
Effective Interagency Working

Good Essays

“Effective interagency working will lead to better outcomes for children, young people and their families.” This assignment will be debating this statement and whether there is relevant evidence to support it. It will also be looking at models related to interagency working and how effective interagency work will lead to better outcomes for children, young people and their families.
Interagency working also known as multi-agency working is “ different services, agencies and teams of professionals working together to provide services to meet the needs of children, young people and their parents or carers.” (Non-statutory guidance to Every Child Matters: Change for children, Common core of skills and knowledge for the children’s workforce, DfES, …show more content…

These include contextual, cultural, organisational and commitment barriers. An example could be “different knowledge bases, cultures and style of working, and power relationships between agencies, professionals and volunteers” (e.g. Bagley, et al., 2004; Horwath & Morrison, 2007; Webb & Vulliamy, 2001). This means differing professional beliefs and stereotypes and contrasting views due to the different levels of experience and qualifications. Other potential barriers include lack of relevant training (e.g. Magrab, Evans, & Hurrell, 1997), having the correct funding and resources (e.g. Atkinson, Doherty, & Kinder, 2005; Barnes, 2008; Sloper, 2004), In need of preciseness on targets e.g. what is expected as end result for child (e.g. Atkinson, et al., 2005; Sloper, 2004), short-term projects that do not allow time for professionals or agencies to be flexible (e.g. Milbourne, 2005) and personal qualities such as being ignorant or indecisive (e.g. Barnes, …show more content…

Every child matters: change for children (Treasury,2003) has an aim to identify children’s needs and meet them in the early stages. The green paper document is a key document in Every child matters that proposes and develops supportive services. One of the four key themes was addressing the main problems, poor responsibility and weak integration, in the report of Victoria Climbie. Other important publications include Working together to Safeguard Children (DFES 2006b), The Common Assessment Framework and The common core of skills and knowledge (DfES, 2005). These also offer improving co-operation and shared understanding between agencies and professionals. (Child Protection, 2007, p27,28). Part 2 of The Children Act 2004, which is more of an addition than an amendment to the Children Act 1989 provides legal guidelines and emphasizes how agencies and social services should work together for protection and welfare of children and the importance of their duties and responsibilities .(Child Protection, 2007,

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