
Effectiveness Of Peer Support And Student Engagement On Student Success

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Examining Student Success: The effectiveness of Peer support and Student Engagement on Student Success
The use of peer-leader instructional learning (PIL), has been shown to be positively correlated with improving student self-efficacy, learning, grades, and confidence in past research (Hughes, 2011). However, most of this research has been carried out in Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses (e.g. upper level physics courses) (Murray, 2011). More research is needed in order to determine if implementation within social science learning environments would parallel the results that have been noted in STEM learning environments. The PIL is a student that facilitates the material given to other students in order to …show more content…

Student academic success (e.g., satisfactory exam grades) will be measured in relation to peer support and student engagement. The purpose of this study is to provide further research on the relationship between the use of peer instructional learning and peer support and students’ engagement within PSYC 1101 courses. Peer support and student engagement with psychology, through the use of peer instructional learning, and student academic success.
Cognitive Gains Associated with Peer Learning
Many researchers are interested in the potential association between the implementation of collaborative peer learning instruction and the improvement of pre-test and post-test scores on cognitive tasks (e.g. memory, problem solving). Interactive peer learning environments allow students to interact with one another, examine alternative explanations, and think critically in a team-oriented way (Gok, 2013). Such benefits have even been demonstrated in studies with participants who have developmental and learning issues as shown by Utley et al. (2001). Utley et al., (2001) found that student weekly post-test scores on health and safety facts increased from 18% (beginning of the semester) to 100% at the end of the semester, as a result of collaborative peer instruction that involved the teacher, the paraprofessional, and the learning volunteer.
On the other hand, although such collaborative PIL structures, have also been demonstrated in students with high learning needs,

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