
Effects Of Alzheimer 's Disease : Description Of The Disease

Decent Essays

Effects of Alzheimer’s disease Description of the Disease Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder which attacks brain cells and neurons. This disease results in loss of memory, lower thinking capacity, loss of coordination and poor language skills. Alzheimer disease is majorly caused by brain cell death where neurons producing acetylcholine or neurotransmitters breaks connections with other nerve cell resulting to inflammation in the brain system connection (Munoz & Feldman, 2012). When nerve cells in the hippocampus are destroyed by Alzheimer’s disease a person experiences the loss of short-term memory, while the destruction of neurons in the cerebral cortex results to decline in person’s judgment and language skills. Causes …show more content…

In addition to that, patients with Alzheimer’s disease are reported to having loss of memory because of disconnection in the process involving signal transduction. The brain tissue shrinks and brain cells also die as a result of inflammation. Most of the patients with Alzheimer’s disease are people of age 65 years and above. It is therefore, believed that age is an environmental factor that increases the risk of Alzheimer’s development. Even though it is not proven scientifically, the statisticians have reported half of the people over the age of 80 having Alzheimer’s disease (Causes and Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease., n.d.). Other risk factors that may lead to the disease development are; smoking, Hypertension, accumulation of cholesterol in the body, poorly controlled diabetes, lack of social engagement, lack of exercise and mild cognitive impairment. The 7 Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease Per Dr. Barry Reisberg of New York University, there are 7 progression stages of Alzheimer’s disease. During stage 1, the are no observable signs of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. In stage 2, patients seem to have normal age related memory loss like losing things around the house. They can still pass memory and cognitive testing and their memory loss is unlikely to be noticed by family or doctor. At stage 3, family members start to notice memory

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