
Effects Of Divorce On Well-Being

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The purpose of this paper is to further examine the effects of parental divorce on the college student well-being. The effects of parental divorce are often based on adolescent well-being, contrary this paper aims to shed light on the effects on young adults. Research for this paper was collected from a variety of sources including; web pages and psychological journals, studying well-being. The questions addressed in this paper include how does family and the importance of family effect college student well-being and how does a parental divorce effect college student well-being.
Keywords: well-being, college, student, divorce, family As Brad Henry, the former governor of Oklahoma once said “families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach greater heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” According to Collins Dictionary family can be defined as a group of people living under the same house: household, a group of people who are related to each other, and a group of things having a common source of familiar features. (Definition of 'family. (2010)) Family and well-being are both subjective and better described than defined. Personally I view family as a system of individuals who provide unconditional love and support and well-being is the ability to feel content in where I am personally, this involves finding a reasonable balance. The topic of family and college student well-being is incredibly important, having a support system during

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