
Effects Of Jealousy In Othello

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In William Shakespeare’s Othello, the negative effects of jealousy and how far one is willing to push the limits to get what they want are shown. In the play, Iago controls many characters like puppets to satisfy his own needs, such as the tragic hero Othello, who was transferred into an enraged man due to Iago’s work. Throughout the play, Iago most effectively uses pathos to manipulate
Othello’s perception of reality so that he becomes blind with jealousy. Iago uses multiple sexual references regarding Cassio and Othello’s wife, Desdemona, to mess with Othello’s mind and emotions. Iago has poisoned Othello’s thoughts into thinking that the two are lovers and Desdemona is cheating on Othello. Iago says he had witnessed Cassio speaking in his sleep …show more content…

Iago is implying that
Cassio wants to keep the alleged affair a secret. Iago seeks to temper Othello with the false accusation and shock him as to what he has just heard. Othello is too engulfed with rage to fully comprehend the situation and can’t put the pieces together making him clueless and blind to the truth. Later on, Iago suggests, “Or to be naked with her friend in bed an hour or more, not meaning any harm” (Act 4 scene1)
Iago is saying that Cassio and Desdemona were probably in bed together naked, but just as friends and there was nothing sexual about it. Iago is looking to get a reaction out of Othello, so Iago keeps pestering him on the fact that Cassio and Desdemona are lovers by bringing up a proposition that they can be in bed together naked and not do anything of the sorts, while deep down, Iago knows that isn’t realistic. Iago is playing his own game one step at a time and Othello is the piece that is being

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