
Effects Of Jim Crow Laws In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Imagine having your life on the line because someone thinks you have committed a crime you did not commit. During the 1930s colored people were put down and were inferior to whites. Everyone was trying to find a place in society but it was made especially hard for the African Americans in this time. They were pushed to the bottom of everything and treated like nothing. In Harper Lee's very impactful book To Kill a Mockingbird, she illustrates what it was like for one black man to be pushed aside like he was nothing mainly because he was black. In her book she uses examples from real life examples from those times like: the Jim Crow laws, the effects of racism and the Scottsboro Trials.
The effects of the Jim Crow laws were very apparent in To Kill A Mockingbird. The Jim Crow laws were a system of anti-black laws. These laws were made to keep black people lower than the white people. The harsh punishments of these laws included being treated as a lower part of humanity. Being made into personal servants for the rich and white. Being segregated and pushed to use the items that were not fit or good enough for the white people. For instance, if a black man were caught drinking out of a drinking fountain designated for white people, he could risk having his house or job taken away. In some more serious cases black people could be killed (pilgrim 5). Especially in the times of the Great Depression. Everyone was trying to get jobs and money and food on the table for their families

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