
Effects Of Marijuana Essay

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Damaged caused by marijuana Marijuana is a dangerous herb that can cause a lot of damage to the user but besides that, this dangerous herb can also cause a lot of danger to the people that surround the user. Remember that this would bring dangerous side effects that can blind the user of their actions and in the end of all that the user would want to have more since it can be addictive. That is why so that you would realize that using marijuana or any form of drugs isn’t a good idea, here are the damages caused by marijuana. Crimes: this is the number one damage caused by marijuana and that is crimes brought by the user. The crimes can go from rape, murder, and theft. The reason that these crimes happened is that the user is too high or …show more content…

If the parents or one of the parents uses marijuana then it wouldn’t be a nice family to live in. Marijuana, after all, can give bad side effects to the user and if the user is already in turmoil then it can lead to the family separation or the child moving somewhere else to be safer. Sometimes even there will be noises and abuses caused by the use of marijuana in the family. Damage to the user: because marijuana can give side effects to the user you can already understand that it can give damage to the health of the user. Most people think that marijuana can help them because it makes them feel calm and relax but what you didn’t know about it is it can be addictive and can damage your brain and thus our health. That is why there are a lot of marijuana users who are in bad mental and physical shape. Financial crisis to the user: marijuana isn’t free since you would need to pay for it and because it can give you side effects, you wouldn’t be able to maintain a stable job to earn money to buy more. There are even some who goes to stealing or kidnapping just to earn money for them to buy more marijuana and in the end of that action, the user will still be in financial

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