
Effects Of Teenage Drinking Among Teenagers

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Alcohol is the most commonly used drug among teenagers in the United States. Teenagers’ excessive drinking results in 43,000 teenage deaths each year, while teenage drinking costs United States almost 25 billion each year. Even though underage drinking is illegal, teenagers are still responsible for consuming about 11% of the alcohol sold in the United States (CDC, 2016). The problem is multifaceted in that there are biological and social components that influence the prospect of underage drinking among teenagers. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the population under the age of 21 in the United States who drink alcohol and how it has affected this population’s development, academics, immediate and future health concerns, strategies used to discourage their alcohol consumption, and what kind pharmacological interventions are useful. There is a social unrest in our country that makes it difficult for youth to develop as intended. Individuality and creativity are some of the pillars of our Western world society. These components are encouraged to the extent that individuals, especially teenagers, lose a sense of self while continually reaching for things that will set them apart from the rest of their peers. Sometimes this is demonstrated in constructive ways that are helpful for personal development, but many times, it is rebelling against the nominal societal structure that is innately appealing. Individuality and creatively are wonderful assets to a person’s

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