
Effects Of The War On Drugs

Decent Essays

“The drug war has failed--we spend nearly $50 billion annually on the drug war and problems related to drug abuse continue to worsen. We need to acknowledge that drug abuse is a health problem with social and economic consequences. It is time to bring some illegal drugs within the law by regulating, taxing and controlling them. Ending the drug war will dramatically reduce violence related to underground drug dealing” (Nader). Ralph Nader, is descripted by as an; “Attorney, activist and politician Ralph Nader is an auto-safety reformer and consumer advocate. He has run for president several times, as a candidate for the Green Party” (Timmons). The green party stands for three major things: Peace, Ecology, Social Justice, and Democracy. As the quote being about the war on drugs and from a legitimate source, this research paper will be about the war on drugs specifically and why America should move from a hardline policy to a harms reduction policy on the war on drugs.
[Thesis] The research paper will proceed as follows; why America hasn’t implemented a harms reduction policy and its effects , why america should, and how america should.
[Definition] First, definitions on the topic are most important. defines hardline as “firm and uncompromising” (Hardline). The one word attached in this case is “policy” which is defined as a principle adopted by a government. Linking these two words therefore states that a hardline policy is black and

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