
Egalias Daughters Essay

Good Essays

Socialization of Gender,
Is it inherently negative?
Egalia’s Daughters

My first reaction to Egalia’s Daughters, by Gerd Brantenberg, was something like "WHAT is this". I was immediately very confused, and had no idea what this author was writing about. In fact, I felt as though I opened the book to the middle of a story, and became turned off by the whole experience. It took about three chapters, and someone’s help, until I started to read the book understandably, with ease, and began to enjoy the world I was entering. It became very apparent that I would have to detach myself from all that I thought I knew about gender, and simply allow myself to take in the message Brantenberg was trying to …show more content…

When she moved, she always did so purposefully and efficiently. Her voice, which was sharp and penetrating, always gave the impression that she knew what she was talking about, even when she didn’t. That was how a wom ought to be. " (11).

The way wim dress is also different than what we know to be true in our society.
"Besides, she was always stylishly dressed. A loose brown tunic and baggy trousers. Brown shoes with thick soles."(12).

Men in our society are expected to "wear the pants," (in more ways than one,) in Egalia, men are considered beautiful if they are short, fat, have long beards and a full head of hair, and have very small penises. They are expected to wear flowing skirts and dresses, adorn themselves with jewelry and accessories, and behave in shy and reserved ways.
I was particularly interested in the way Brantenberg shows how incredibly masculinized our society is by reversing all of the gendered words to be feminine. For example, one calls one’s last name his or her surname (sirname in England) however, in Egalia, it is called your damename. When a boat is cared for or run, in our society it is "manned," in Egalia, it is "wommed," and "heroes" are called "sheroes." The list goes on and on. By expressing that even our language is gendered, awareness increases to just how our society ingrains masculinity into our culture and thus places men

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