
Egypt And Mesopotamia Similarities

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The Connections and Disconnections between Mesopotamia and Egypt

Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia differ in location, climate and geography, although greatly affected the world. The two civilizations prospered in certain categories of ancient life and failed at others. Both learned what worked by performing a certain action and what could be changed. These civilizations can easily be compared since they started by a river, thrived because of agriculture and started around the same time period. Three specific categories Egypt and Mesopotamia can be associated and contrasted would be their geography, social classes and religious beliefs. The characteristics of the land the societies’ were located is really ties the to places together and demonstrates how small aspects of nature can really help a civilization. …show more content…

Although, in Mesopotamia, the rivers on either side of the civilization, Tigris and Euphrates, flooded unexpectedly, which made it difficult for the farmers, since they unsure of when the annual flood could come and destroy houses and maybe crops. Egyptians did not have this problem, since they knew when the Nile River would flood. Understanding the cycle helped the Egyptians take advantage of the information and succeed in possessing a huge surplus of grains. Egypt had issues as well, but only if the river flooded more then usual, it ruined houses and seeds, but a small flood produce less silt to nourish the soil, which to less grains grown, that eventually led to starvation. Another part of the geography of Mesopotamia and Egypt would be natural barriers. Mesopotamia had a vast landscape with blockades on the outside therefore attacking would be simple. The Nile River and a desert well protected Egypt from invaders, this made life in Egypt slightly

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