
Egypt And Mesopotamia Similarities

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Mesopotamia and Egypt are similar in many ways, but they also have share many differences between each other. Somes of the differences and similarities are how these civilizations were governed, how the geography affected the people of these civilizations the types of gods and different religions they worshiped.
Geography influenced both Mesopotamia and Egypt. However the geography that Egypt had made for a much easier lifestyle and they definitely did not struggle as much as Mesopotamia did. Egypt was mostly cut off from the entire world by the environment on all sides because of the Great Indian Thar Desert and the Nile River. These natural barriers kept Egypt safe for many years and allowed them to live peacefully. As a result of this Egypt developed much differently politically, religiously, and economically compared to Mesopotamia.
The geography of Mesopotamia also affected the people in many ways. The people began to construct their cities on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They did this for food, because the river would allow them to farm and also because it had a good supply of fish. However, …show more content…

As stated from the text, “And, as village grew into city, the political pattern of the new civilization emerged-Primitive Democracy” (Thorkild Jacobson 128). This quote depicts the fact that as they grew into cities the government system of Primitive Democracy was created, the growth of these cities impacted more than just their size. This government was made up of a group of elders, but, when issues occurred, such as the conquering of weaker city-states, a temporary ruler was put in charge because he knew how to fight and conquer better than the others. This ruler stayed in control until everything was back to how it had normally been. This demonstrates how Mesopotamia was different from Egypt, they never united as one and were always at war with one

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