Mesopotamia and Egypt are similar in many ways, but they also have share many differences between each other. Somes of the differences and similarities are how these civilizations were governed, how the geography affected the people of these civilizations the types of gods and different religions they worshiped.
Geography influenced both Mesopotamia and Egypt. However the geography that Egypt had made for a much easier lifestyle and they definitely did not struggle as much as Mesopotamia did. Egypt was mostly cut off from the entire world by the environment on all sides because of the Great Indian Thar Desert and the Nile River. These natural barriers kept Egypt safe for many years and allowed them to live peacefully. As a result of this Egypt developed much differently politically, religiously, and economically compared to Mesopotamia.
The geography of Mesopotamia also affected the people in many ways. The people began to construct their cities on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They did this for food, because the river would allow them to farm and also because it had a good supply of fish. However,
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As stated from the text, “And, as village grew into city, the political pattern of the new civilization emerged-Primitive Democracy” (Thorkild Jacobson 128). This quote depicts the fact that as they grew into cities the government system of Primitive Democracy was created, the growth of these cities impacted more than just their size. This government was made up of a group of elders, but, when issues occurred, such as the conquering of weaker city-states, a temporary ruler was put in charge because he knew how to fight and conquer better than the others. This ruler stayed in control until everything was back to how it had normally been. This demonstrates how Mesopotamia was different from Egypt, they never united as one and were always at war with one
What similarities and differences did Egypt and Mesopotamia have and why was Egypt more politically unified than its neighbor, Mesopotamia? I think in order to answer these questions it is important to look at how both societies lived. Egypt and Mesopotamia were two civilizations existing during the time period of 2000-1200 BCE.(text, 97) These civilizations were shaped by their environment, involved with trade, and faced changes in government after the 100 year drought; however, they differed in that Egypt was shaped by the Nile, traded goods for goods and changed their outlook on the pharaoh who was ruler of all; whereas, Mesopotamia was shaped by the Tigris and Euphrates, traded money for goods, and had a ruler over rulers. The
Although Mesopotamia and Egypt have some things in common, they are different in many ways. Mesopotamia did not have as many people as Egypt did. Also, Egypt had specialized workers that are called the wealthy landowners. Mesopotamia did not have any specialized workers that were wealthy. Mesopotamia and Egypt had different types of specialized workers.
The most significant factor that influenced the development of Egypt and Mesopotamia was the difference in location between the two civilizations, which influenced many different aspects of everyday life and culture. Egypt and Mesopotamia were both located next to rivers, but the distinctions between the rivers greatly impacted the two societies. The two civilizations were located in two very different areas geography-wise, which affected the chances of foreign invaders attacking. The location of the two civilizations also affected their religious beliefs.
In egypt the government is centered on Pharaoh. The pharaoh was in charge of everyone. The government was a monarchy because the people had no decisions to make. Egypt was called one of the most peaceful countries because the government was consistent, and it only changed when there was chaos, invasion, etc. In Mesopotamia, the government started out as a primitive democracy and then became theocratic meaning ruled by priest kings. In times of war, a tough fighter would rule instead of a priest king.
Both Mesopotamia and Egypt between 3000 and 600 B.C.E had similarities and differences. Both regions differ in regards to social structure concerning gender roles, social classes, and slavery. However Mesopotamia and Egypt shared similar technological developments in regards to mathematics, astronomy, and writing as well as political structure as it regards to taxes, kingship, and the power of religion.
While describing the cultural among the people of Mesopotamia and Egypt, I learned the differences and similarities in culture. The birth of Mesopotamian Civilization began in c. 3000 B.C.E., in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers of Southwest Asia. Mesopotamia is a Greek word and it means ‘between the rivers.’ In contrast, the birth of Egyptian Civilization began in c. 3100 B.C.E., in a valley of the Nile River in Northeastern Africa. Egypt is a Greek word and it means ‘House of the Spirit of Ptah.’ Since there are several categories in the cultures of the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians, I decided to narrows it to three categories: Religion, Writing, and Geography. The three categories will present the basis to compare cultural differences and similarities.
Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt are recognized as some of world's biggest innovators, from inventing the wheel to construction of magnificent pyramids, Mesopotamia and Egypt are credited with having some of the richest cultures in the world. The environmental factors of both ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt heavily impacted the product of these creations, along with the growth of their civilizations. While Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt were both developing civilizations they are also vastly different. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt relied on their environmental factors for agriculture/irrigation and trading. However, they developed very different views on their warfare methods.
Politically, although both Egypt and Mesopotamia had one main ruler, Egypt was centralized and whereas Mesopotamia was decentralized. Egypt centralized government led
The physical environments of Egypt and Mesopotamia do explain their cultural differences. Egyptians had natural barriers and fertile, predictable land, while Mesopotamians had unpredictable land and no protection from invaders. These key differences are the basis of the cultural differences between the two regions, and explain different parts of their culture, such as their outlook on life/afterlife and their rulers.
Ancient civilizations across history have shown unique and incredible feats of mankind. Arguably, two of the most prominent ancient civilizations in the Middle East and even the world are the Mesopotamians (Beginning 5,000 B.C.) and Egyptians (Beginning 3,150 B.C). Even though these two civilizations peaked about 2,000 years apart, they share numerous similarities contributing to their success, and also show even more differences that distinguish how each had a unique culture and way of life.
Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt are both cradles of civilization. Both contributed greatly to human development through their achievements, failures, peoples, scientific accomplishments, philosophies, religions, and contributions.
Because Mesopotamia was constantly endeavored to take control of the land, it was a land of multiple empires and kingdoms, there were many forms of political standpoints, and this diversity of political views caused the desire to control and to seek out colonies, mostly the neighboring kingdoms. Back in Egypt, they had upper Egypt and lower Egypt, but they were later on united with one another during the time of pharaoh Menes and rather stay upside down due to the Nile river’s flow. At the time, Egypt was ruled by pharaohs; powerful kings and rulers of the land that were said to only be chosen by gods then sent to Earth in human form to control and govern the people. Though Egypt and Mesopotamia had similar aspects about their social understanding, they were both constructed of different social classes for a patriarchal society; whereas the males were authoritative over the women and would have the dominant to control over their
The most apparent difference was these civilizations’ distinct type of rule. Egypt had pharaohs as their kings or rulers. Pharaohs were seen as holy figures and treated as gods, which allowed ancient Egypt to have a single, unified governing body, combining church and state. Mesopotamia was divided into city-states with a ruler governing each area independently. This led to a more fragmented political structure with recurring clashes and wars. The story of the Mesopotamian era is one of war, feud, and collapse; whereas ancient Egypt was mostly unified, sustaining a stable and well-structured
The geography is the biggest influence of culture and religion. The geography of Egypt and Mesopotamia are different in several ways. The geography of Egypt is naturally good for agriculture. The Nile river floods in a pattern that is useful for farmers and predictable unlike the Tigris or Euphrates rivers which flood randomly due to the mountains in the north. The Nile river also flows in the opposite direction of the wind towards the Mediterranean. Travelling the river is easy because of this and benefited the trade and economy of Egypt. The Egyptian empire stretched not far from the Nile due to the desert surrounding
Mesopotamia and Egypt were very different because of their geography and world view. Mesopotamia was often flooded because of their bad geography, but the land around the Nile river was built well so the Egyptians didn 't have to worry about the river flooding as often. The land in Mesopotamia was often attacked and invaded. Ultimately the geography of Egypt was significantly better than Mesopotamia because of the benefits of the nile river created a positive world view, a strong government and a universal religion.