
Egyptian Religion

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Karl Marx declared “Religion is the Opiate of the Masses," focusing on the idea that ruling classes used religion to keep the lower class distracted from wanting better treatment in life. For example the belief of going to heaven made people trade the importance of daily life in society for a better afterlife. This paper will take a head first dive into the affiliation of religion to culture, society and government in ancient Greek,Roman,Egyptian and Arabian provinces.The church in all of those places mentioned had immense power, people who were associated or even leading the church had great individual significance.

Egyptian life was fully guided by religion. As Egypt was polytheistic , people practiced the worship of many gods except for …show more content…

As people did not want to make a god angry or displease him anyone who had an association to a god would hold much power. Prayers to the gods were a daily activity, there was a god for almost anything. Mount Olympus was known as the home of the gods to the greeks. Religion was very personal and direct and especially present in most aspects of greek life. Rituals including animal sacrifice to the gods were normal,looked upon as an offering to a god. People would do anything to please the gods. Greek mythology was also used as a way to explain why things happened and even to explain the origins of mankind.Painted scenes, sculptures, vases and stone represented the more important gods and goddesses, most of these art forms could give the gods a human face for people to see. A statue of Athena was located in the Parthenon of Athens and a sculpture of Zeus was located in the temple of …show more content…

Devine relations from the angel Gabriel would later form the Quran. Muhammed had a message of peace be upon him and the holy Quran, that would increase his followers but in 618 his important uncle died and he supposedly went to Medina where he met up with his followers. Later this event would be know as the hirja, the start of the islamic era.A large importance of islam is that there is only one god named Allah and are expected to pray five times a day always facing Mecca. Muhammad's message was heard first by the poor but as more continued to follow him there were other dangers, opposed people that would try to murder him. Muhammed was accepted as an arbitrator under communities terms of the consistution of Medina and he began to lay down foundations leading to a new islamic society. Quran like verses provided guidance in religious and lawful matters.After some conflict between jewish and Meccans Muhammed got control of Mecca until his death in

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