
El Banditos On Market St

Decent Essays

The ethnic restaurant I chose to visit was El Banditos on Market St. in Iowa City. It is a charming little Mexican restaurant that is filled with all sorts of different characteristics that make it ethnic. I chose to explore this restaurant because of how unknown and underrated it was. I personally have never noticed or heard of it before. It is across the street from Blue Bird Diner which many people have been to and not many of them would be able to identify that this restaurant is just across the way. The small atmosphere and authentic feel of the restaurant was evident before one enters the establishment. It also had a very promising menu online that made me want to visit. El Banditos can be classified as an ethnic restaurant because …show more content…

The lighting within the restaurant was dim and brought a nice essence to the place. There was a lot of artwork displayed throughout the restaurant. The restaurant had old Mexican wrestling posters of Lucha Libre, bullfighting and the Day of the Dead posters and old Mayan artwork on the walls. These are well known things and celebrations in Mexican culture. The Day of the Dead is a traditional holiday that celebrates the lives of friends and family members who have died, and help them support their spiritual journey. Lucha Libre is a term for professional wrestling in Mexico that a lot of families gather around to watch together. There were countless old bullfighting posters and some newer versions.
Keeping up with the Mexican culture was their menu. All the recipes are from the family passed down over many years. The original El Banditos was opened in 1969 in Des Moines, IA showing off their unique recipes and style. Everything is handmade and many ingredients are from local vendors around here. Their menu consisted of classic Mexican dishes such as chips and salsa or guacamole, tacos, enchiladas, burritos, fajitas, soups, and much more. They also served Mexican style breakfast food which I have not seen before which I found very interesting. In addition to a colorful menu of food, they

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