Poetry originates from a Greek word meaning “to make”. Eleanor Farjeon, the poet, describes what Poetry is into the eyes of the beholder. Poetry is the most emotionally stimulating means of written expression. It contains words organized in patterns of sound and imagery to spark an emotional, and intelligent, to get a response from the audience. Poetry conveys that there no single definition of poetry. Farjeon describes that an object is nothing more of an object if it does not have its’ five senses. What is poetry without a feeling or a thought? Poetry is obviously made up of words. However, the poet uses particular words, special words, in order for a poem to become a poem. “Not a rose, but the scent of the rose;” a rose can be much more
What is poetry? Is poetry about your feelings? Is poetry meant for you to deliberate or read between the lines? Elizabeth Alexander, a black educator that teaches poetry, believes that poetry is where you are your true self and finding yourself. In 2005, she published one of her poems called “Ars Poetica #100: I Believe.” She constructed the poem to speak to her students about her meaning of poetry. Poetry causes various emotions, various content, and based on various forms of realities.
Poetry in some way, shape or form, gives realistic ideas to even objects that reflect upon a part of life by using symbolism and personification.
What makes a good poetry? It is not only in the idea or thought of what the author is trying to express. What makes a good poetry beautiful is in how the writer makes use of the words, lines, and spaces and indents. The rhythm of the poem can make a significant impact in the expression of the idea. Even the structure of words can make a
Poetry can evoke certain feelings from the reader and its audience. It pulls clear vibes from the way the poet wants to portray their work. Think of it this way, mood is the entire atmosphere of the literary piece. It can be interpreted in many ways. There's no right or wrong answer when it comes down to you and the emotions it awakens. The words in a poetry piece can evoke different ranges and varieties of feelings from the reader. Overall, it serves to stimulate an emotional situation.
In today’s modern view, poetry has become more than just paragraphs that rhyme at the end of each sentence. If the reader has an open mind and the ability to read in between the lines, they discover more than they have bargained for. Some poems might have stories of suffering or abuse, while others contain happy times and great joy. Regardless of what the poems contains, all poems display an expression. That very moment when the writer begins his mental journey with that pen and paper is where all feelings are let out. As poetry is continues to be written, the reader begins to see patterns within each poem. On the other hand, poems have nothing at all in common with one another. A good example of this is in two poems by a famous writer by
A well-written poem would help one to engage into the work with their senses. One should be able to ask themselves what the poem caused them to think, hear, see, feel, taste, and to determine what he or she learned from the poet’s words. Many people believe that because poetry is an enigmatic art, and that there is no way for sure to know the
Poetry is a form of Logos. Gorgias defines poetry as speech in meter. Since speech causes many things like he explained before, then poetry must be speech in meter because it can cause the listener to “shudder in terror, shed tears in pity, and yearn with sad longing” (Freeman). Through this poetry, the hearer’s soul will begin to feel the same way (82B119).
Poetry is an art form that is rich in notional and semantic content. In a few stanzas, poems are so capable of painting an idea or event so vividly that it seems alive. However poetry, by itself, cannot exhibit qualities of life: they require a willingness to understand unfamiliar ways of describing a phenomenon. Thus poetry has been likened to a scrambled code that is impossible to decipher in its literal context. Thus, poetry requires a key to decipher it and the code, often, is metaphor.
poem is not merely a static, decorative creation, but that it is an act of communication between the poet and
If one is aiming to write a poem it is useful to know by detail the basic elements of poetry to understand and control better what and how to say things, they are: voice, stanza, sound patterns, figures of speech and the poetic forms.
Rhyming, alliteration and repetition are all used to create an atmosphere for the poem so that it is evocative for the reader.
Poems are like puzzles. The structure of it looks easy and super short to read. But it contains a great deal of meaning and the more you dig in, the more questions you get. And eventually, you get puzzled in between all the deep answers, trying to figure out which one is the part of the puzzle, and which one is not.
Language is a remarkable thing. It can convey every thought, feeling, and emotion with perfect accuracy. Almost exclusively, language has taken awkward, unfit animals out of nature and made them rulers over the earth and many of its elements. When used well, it has the power to change an individual's view of the world, make someone believe they have seen something they have not, and even more astonishingly, look inside one's self and see what exists. If language is mixed with the tempo of music, something new arises; poetry is born. When words and ideas are set to a beat, they can far more subtly convey concepts that would otherwise need to be explicitly stated and the poem can be appreciated more as a whole,
Poetry is literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm, poems collectively or as a genre of literature. It is also a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems. Poetry (poem) is something that follows a particular flow of rhythm and meter. Compare to prose, where there is no such restriction, and the content of the piece flows according to the story, a poem may or may not have a story, but definitely has structured method of writing.
Poetry is a varied art form. Poetry is expression with words, using aesthetics and definition. Word choice in poetry is the single most important thing. Devices such as assonance, alliteration and rhythm work in a poem to convey a certain image or to facilitate understanding. Similes and metaphors can take two unlike objects, such as a potato and cinderblock, and if done the correct way use them to describe how Abraham Lincoln dealt with scoundrels. Poetry is beautiful. One of the best genres in poetry, let alone a great literary movement is Romanticism or the post-enlightenment Romantics.