
Eleanor Roosevelt : Women 's Rights

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Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884 and died on November 7, 1962. She was an activist, diplomat, and American politician. She was the longest serving First Lady. She was one of the most powerful women in American. She was the wife of Franklin D, Roosevelt and an outspoken person on women 's rights. She was considered one of the best politicians from the 1920’s to the 1940’s. Therefore, she was one of the most influential women in U.S. history. Eleanor Roosevelt’s father and mother both died when she was very young. She adored her father even though he was an alcoholic and she hardly ever saw him. Her and her siblings moved in with their grandparents in New York when their parents died. She was born into a rich New York Family. Until the age of 15 she was a tutor. Then she was sent to an all-girl school where she excelled under the mentorship of the headmistress. This mentor also helped young women fight for independents. Eleanor Roosevelt, at the age of 18, went back to New York and became very actively in women reform. She then joined the National Consumer League Their mission was to change unsafe working environments. Eleanor Roosevelt helped her husband, the President of the United States, throughout his entire career. He depended on her the most when he was plagued with a lot of health issues. She attended her husband’s entire meeting when he became too sick to get out of bed. Eleanor Roosevelt’s interest in politics began before her husband’s career

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