
Election Process In The United States

Decent Essays

The election process in the United States is very complex and has many different influences that affect this process tremendously. The United States greatly depends on political parties, interest groups, and media in the election process.
The role of the political parties is very important in elections. Political parties are groups of individuals who have similar interests and nominate candidates in order to win elections. Political parties also focus on controlling elections. There are three parts of a political party and each component is vital to their goal of controlling elections. First, there is the party organization. These are the party’s leaders. The role of the party organization is to select candidates, build platforms, and win …show more content…

An interest group is a group that shares a common opinion and political goal. They support candidates in exchange for the candidate supporting their cause. Interest groups often try to persuade public officials to explore their opinions and attitudes. Interest groups are known for having lobbyists. Lobbyists are individuals who represent their cause or client in government and Congress. They often propose laws, provide information to the government agencies, and serve as experts on issues that surround their clients or causes. Lobbyists are very educated and intelligent because it is very important that they know what they are talking about in order to achieve their goal. Personally, I think that lobbyists are important to our government and the election process because without them -- there would be little or no knowledge of the laws that these interest groups are proposing or specializing in. Many people believe that lobbyists are sleazy, filthy, and only after money-- but most are just trying to educate the public about certain issues and causes that they believe in. In fact, lobbying is a fundamental right guaranteed by our Constitution. ( Interest groups also have Political Action Committees (PAC). The PACs are known for raising money and then spending it on campaigns and elections. Having money often correlates with having power. This statement is the …show more content…

The role of the media is to report the goals and objectives of the political parties. This is crucial for candidates and parties because it is how most or all of their ideas are shown to the public. Media, such as social media, bring politicians and candidates closer to their potential voters and give them a closer, more personal relationship with the citizens of the state or country. However, despite the rapid growth of social media, the news and print media are still the leading and most important sources in political elections. ( Because social media is so relevant in our generation-- it is very important that the media is unbiased when reporting about politics because the media should not persuade the opinion of the

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