
Electoral College Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Every four years on Election Day, millions of Americans flock to ballots in every state, anxious to cast their votes. Who could blame them? After all, voting is a very important part of our democracy, especially when it comes to choosing our next president, since it will be him or her who represents the people of our country. Every vote counts. Or does it? What if I told you that your vote didn’t count? Would you be surprised? Outraged? In our current voting system, the electoral college, a group of people chosen by each state to vote for the country’s next president and vice president, ultimately decides who will win the election. We do not even have the federal right to vote for president. For a fairer and more logical election, the electoral vote should not decide on who becomes the President of the United States of America.
To begin with, there is no guarantee that the electors will vote for what the people want. Most states have a winner-takes-all rule, where the candidate with the majority of the popular votes in the state is awarded all of the state’s electoral votes. This means that if there are a hundred people in one state, and fifty-one of them vote for one candidate, all of the electoral votes will go to that candidate. The other forty-nine people that voted for a different candidate’s voices will not be heard. Even if this does not seem like a big deal in just one state, when it happens country-wide, it becomes a problem. Also, there are no federal laws that

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