
Electric Mower Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays - Beneficial Features of Electric Lawnmowers

As property owners become more environmentally aware, many are turning to electric lawnmowers for cutting their lawns. At one point, these mowers were not highly efficient, though, since they did not hold a charge long enough, but that has changed. Now, you can mow up to a third of an acre on one battery charge, depending upon the model that your purchase. This makes these mowers perfect for small yards, but you also can use them on larger yards by taking a charging break periodically. Explore the beneficial features of this type of lawn mower in the following details.

Environmentally Friendly

Since you will not be relying on gas and possibly oil to operate the electric mower, it is the green choice for cutting lawns. The only type of mower that is more so is the manual kind, which lengthens the time it takes to cut your lawn. …show more content…

An example of the power is the Honda Electric Lawnmower HRE370 has an 1.3kW electric motor.

Cost-Effective to Use

These mowers also are highly cost-effective since the electricity to charge the battery cost far less than the gas and oil does for gas-powered mowers. You can use the savings to add to your landscaping features in order to improve the value of your property.

Not as Noisy as Gas-Powered Mowers

Another benefit of using electric lawnmowers is that they are less noisy than their gas-powered counterparts. For this reason, you may be able to cut your lawn early in the morning without the neighbors complaining. Also, there is enough noise pollution today causing stress for people. Anything you can do to lessen it will be appreciated.

Easy to Start and

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