
Electronic Cigarettes Vs. Conventional Cigarettes

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An e-cigarette is a device that some are using as their alternative to smoking a traditional cigarette. Using electronic cigarettes is commonly known to the younger demographic as “vaping”. The theory? It’s a stepping stone to ultimately stopping the addictive habit of smoking altogether; by offering an alternative that is supposedly less damaging in the long run. According to the National Institute Drug Abuse website (2015), the outer structure can either resemble a “traditional” cigarette or an everyday item (they give the example of a pen or a USB drive). It starts off with a power source, usually a battery and also consists of a type of heating mechanism. Lastly, its third component is the part that contains a mixture of nicotine, flavoring, and a variety of other chemicals. Evidence is leaning towards the theory that these electronic cigarettes are the safer choice compared to the conventional cigarettes. This is due, in part, to the fact that the most damaging aspect of a cigarette stems from the tobacco part- but the danger of the tobacco lies in smoking it. With an e-cigarette, the user does not smoke it, as the aforementioned component of the vaporizer allows the user to not smoke any tobacco. Nicotine is the chemical compound found in both traditional cigarettes and some electronic cigarettes. It tricks our body into releasing adrenaline and other chemicals, specifically dopamine, which is known a “pleasure-causing” chemical. It’s the reason for

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