
Electronic Health Record ( Ehr ) System

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Introduction The face of health care is changing today with the emergence of new technology. This technology comes in the form of electronic health record (EHR) system. Electronic health record, which is digital medical information collected contains records of patient diagnosis, treatments, medication information and other data relevant to the care of patients. This system (EHR) allows healthcare facilities to save and recover detailed information on patients that will be needed used by healthcare providers during hospitalizations and across care settings. EHR has become the new face of storing patient’s medical information which has replaced the old concept of paper documentation. It is believed that electronic health records can …show more content…

EHR started gaining deep roots by the year 1990 with several companies competing for government and private customers in clinic and hospitals. President Bush made it a goal in 2004 to make EHR available to a greater percentage of the population in order to improve on the quality and efficiency of health care (Stacy, R. N., 2013) Two major goals were identified for the EHR. The first goal is Patient-focused health care. This goal is focused on improvement in the quality of health care that is cost effective and patient focused with the adoption of EHR. The first objective of this goal is to promote the use of EHR while maintaining the confidentiality of patient. This can be achieved through a good and secured system framework that enhances the privacy of patient health information. The second objective ensures the availability of patient health information that is needed to support the care needs of patient. The third objective is to facilitate the set up and expansion of EHR and health records of patients across the country. The final objective of patient-focused health care is to create a structure for various stake holders in their priorities and decision making (ONC, 2008) The second goal, population health permits the appropriate, authorized, and timely access and use of electronic health information to benefit public health, biomedical research, quality improvement, and emergency

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