
Electronic Medical Record ( Emr )

Decent Essays

HIS, also known as healthcare information system is a broad system used in healthcare settings. Depending on the needs of the facility, determines the complexity of the system. This can range from basic needs such as billing to the more complex which encompasses several systems that help manage every service available to the patient. Learning to use and integrate this into the nursing field is crucial to effectively care for and manage patients. In 2004, the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) was established. This merged healthcare and IT programing in the United States. In 2008, ONC decided on terms used to identify patient’s records. Within the clinical information system, there are three different types of patient records being …show more content…

If a HIE is not present, the EMRs are not able to communicate with other facilities EMRs causing duplicate information on patient that isn’t always correct. A situation where this is common is when a patient has surgery and then goes to another facility for complications due to the surgery, the patients knowledge doesn’t always coincide with the actual events that took place. While EHRs have several benefits, they still come at a cost to the provider and the consumer. It wasn’t until 2009 when the Health Information Technology for Economics and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, signed the largest US initiative to date. This enticed the widespread of use of EHRs as a part of the stimulus package(4). Electronic health records have propelled IT into the next generation of healthcare. Not only is everything at the providers fingertips, it allows autonomy for the patient. Our world is becoming very digital, from purchasing concert tickets, to applying for college, this is done at the click of a fingertip. Yet healthcare has aspects that are still stuck in the paper documentation era. From receive paper prescriptions from their doctors to filling out patient history every time someone sees a different physician, there is still work to be done to seamlessly transition to a digital platform. According to Collum and Menachemi, EHRs are defined as “a longitudinal electronic record of patient health information generated by one or more encounters in

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