
Electrosugery Is the Process of Using Energy for Tissue Dissection

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1. Introduction 1.1 Background and History Today’s technological world largely revolves around energy and its myriad of uses and implementations. Surgery is no exception and has followed this upsurge in knowledge and equipment. The vast majority of surgical procedures performed throughout the world involve the use of some device that applies energy to the tissue for cutting, coagulation, desiccation, or fulguration for the destruction or manipulation of the tissue. Whereas various energy sources, including electricity, ultrasound, laser, argon gas, microwaves, or radiofrequency (RF) waves, may be used, the fundamental principle involves tissue necrosis and hemostasis by heating. The process of denaturation of tissue begins with the …show more content…

Laparoscopic surgeries, sometimes known as keyhole surgeries, are a modern technique in which operations in the abdomen are performed through small incisions (.5-1.5cm). These surgeries are inherently more difficult and require a large amount of skill and training on the part of the surgeon, thus any device that allows for freedom of movement or ease is in high demand. Electrosurgery accounts for 80% of all cutting and coagulating and there are approximately 40,000 patient burns in the US every year due to electrosurgery. In 2002 alone nearly 650 million was paid out in claims for those injuries [5]. These injuries can happen in part due to improper training of the surgeon or medical staff as well as the inherent difficulty of keyhole surgeries. Ultrasonic devices are known for their control on thermal spread and burnings but don’t pack the same amount of power and punch as a traditional radiofrequency ablation (RFA) biopolar or monopolar device. This results in rebleeding, or oozing of blood, out of some sealed cuts. The creation of a device that can cut with ultrasonic technology but use RFA technology to touch up or stop this bleeding is being considered. Thus a device that allows for better ease and universal use is in high demand, not only for the cost benefits but also the vast improvement of patient

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