
Elements Of Rhetoric

Decent Essays

Writing takes on varied shapes and genres, but all are connected through the use of rhetoric and its elements. These elements –exigence, audience, and constraints – are present throughout all of writing and contribute to the effectiveness of the work. To demonstrate the universal character of rhetoric, I analyzed two very different pieces of writing I wrote. One, a research paper on the environmental impacts of excessive carbon dioxide emissions, I wrote in high school as part of my senior project. The other was a journal entry I wrote to myself in my first semester of college. The different works both exhibit the elements of the rhetorical situation, though they implement them in very different methods that suit the genre in which they were …show more content…

My research paper was the result of my high school senior project research paper requirement to write about an issue or subject that connected to our project. More importantly, however, I choose my topic because I felt that students didn’t realize the underlying causes of pollution and how it affected more than just our atmosphere. On the surface, there was a general exigence of the writing as an assignment, but this then led me to think about topics that students needed to know about and how I could best approach the topic. The exigence of my journal entry was a strive to write down amazing events that happened in day to day experiences. I was hoping to study abroad my junior year and in preparation for going to a different country and not forgetting the amazing experiences in store, I wanted to get into the habit of writing down what’d …show more content…

The primary audience of the research paper was my English teacher who would grade my writing, but more importantly my intended audience was any student. These real and imaginary audiences shaped how I wrote through what tone, style and vocabulary I used. The language, though formal, was straightforward and student friendly. Some of the vocabulary I used, however, would make it difficult for a student in elementary school to fully comprehend the entirety of the information presented. To aid in understanding, I explained a lot the terms with a great deal of detail and explicitly stated why the information I offered supported my claims. I could not have written my research paper using dry college level vocabulary to suit the needs of my imaginary younger audience, but I needed to express a heightened level of writing that my English teacher would see as a good effort in writing a formal text. Quite different from my research paper’s audience, the only potential audience for my journal entry was a future me wanting to reminisce on earlier days. To better suit this audience, I included some background of where I was emotionally, physically, and what was going on around me that affected how I felt about my experiences. My vocabulary was informal and I wrote with an enormous amount of emotion; the descriptions of my day expressed sarcasm, fear, awe and excitement,

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