“Without my [fish] hook, I am nothing!” (Moana 2016). Moana is about a young Polynesian woman, who is the daughter of the chief of her tribe. One day, the island’s fishermen are unable to catch any fish and the crops fail. Moana learns that many centuries ago, a demigod named Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti, a goddess, and this is the reason why her island is suffering. The only way to save her island is to find Maui and persuade him to restore the heart of Te Fiti. Moana leaves her island and travels across the sea to find him, an act that is prohibited on her island. Moana contains the elements of transcendentalism, such as the idea of nature being an escape, and inner spiritual connections. Moana contains many themes connected to the idea that nature is an escape from corrupt society. For example, Moana faces many problems on her island, such as the fear she will not make her father proud as the next chief, and the physical problems with the island not producing enough food to sustain its citizens. Therefore, Moana will often escape to the beach to be with her grandmother, who taught her to “dance” with the waves (Moana 2016). Moana uses the ocean as an escape from her problems in her home, and her society which does not accept her love for the ocean. Such a belief that nature can be an escape from problems is very transcendentalist. Next, Moana has to travel across the ocean to achieve her goal of restoring the heart of Te Fiti and saving her island. The ocean actually
“That’s why they were only taking a few things at a time; they weren 't really coming for ivory and paintings. They wanted me!” Even when she wasn’t in her room she was always afraid of something. “I always dreaded that my parents would divorce. It was my third biggest fear, right next to the fear that one of them would get abducted by heartmen on the road to Sugar Beach, or my first fear, that I would get sucked into the lagoon by neegee.” Out of all three fears only one seemed to happen. Her parents relationship finally came to an end after a lot of fighting, disagreement, and cheating. “Daddy, I hold your foot, don’t leave us. Daddy, please, I beg you” she cried that day. From then on, except the servants and cook, “it was only women at Sugar Beach.” Even after dealing with something so hard in her life that wasn’t even what affected her the most.
Moving out into the the woods and off the grid isn’t for everyone. For a few families, this is a way of life. This lifestyle showcases many beliefs of transcendentalism, many that are still abundantly present in society today. Transcendentalism is shown in the way people live and in the television shows like “The Boonies”. In “The Boonies”, transcendentalism appears in the ideas of Idealism/Individualism and in Nature.
Throughout history, people encounter a stage in their lives where they feel the necessity to assert their independence and challenge their abilities and self-worth. In the book, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, the author shares his understanding and kinship with the main character, Chris McCandless, a young man who thrusts himself into a life of solitude and a harsh environment during his search for meaning to his life. Krakauer depicts himself and McCandless as modern day transcendentalists with an abundance of competency, resourcefulness and skills as naturalists. Although McCandless chose to experience a life of solitude and face the hazards that nature presents, his lack of preparedness prevented him from completing his endeavor successfully.
I have chose to write my final discussion on the newest Disney movie Moanna. Moanna was the classic example of someone going through the Heros Journey. Although she already is held higher than most though because she is the daughter of the chief, so ultimately the next leader. She always longing for more. Her grandmother is the one that pushes her to go follow her heart, When the tribe is in trouble Moanna goes to the call of the journey to find Maui who is a shapeshifter. Maui was all about himself and did not care to help Monna help her tribe. Monna ends up helping Maui when he needs it the most, he teaches her how to sail and continue their journey. They are defeated though by a monster. Maui goes on about his way and Moanna is lost. Defeated
During these days, we often imagine that if we do not fit into the society, we are left out. The lyrics of “Subdivision” by Rush shows if we do not conform to others, we might be cast out(Sub-division). We often think that having an articulate mind with many thoughts is having a high social status. However, there are certain values in our lives and our beliefs which we should appreciate as the man and nature are all connected which now is a belief referred as the “Transcendentalism”. Although Transcendentalism is a broad topic, the motif following the instincts and living under simplicity drew my attention. Transcendentalism was one of the major turning points of American literary revolutions and can play a huge role in the 21st century of
Perhaps one of the most meaningful maxims Emerson wrote would have to be "Insist on yourself, never imitate." This statement captures the total essence of transcendentalism; deny the will and aspirations of others, and follow your own heart.The movie Dead Poets Society begins by introducing the viewers to Todd Anderson, a very subdued and quiet young man. Todd has the average inferiority complex. He is a very bright young man with exceptional abilities. Todd is unwilling to speak his mind for fear of non-acceptance. Charles Dalton is a seemingly average student with a rebellious attitude. He has already realized that the students are being "brainwashed" into living a preordained life.
“I'll spread my wings, and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky.” This quote by Kelly Clarkson describes how she will do whatever she can to reach the impossible, what society says can not be done. The transcendentalist idea of nonconformity is used all throughout America in art, literature, drama, movies, and music. Transcendentalism is absolutely inescapable in the pop culture forms of literature, movies, and music. This idea of transcendentalism was started in 1836, in New England and was carried out to the foundation of America.
The Red Pony is a story expressing love and loss through farm life for a young boy. The book begins with Jody's father, Carl, and Billy buck, the farmhand head off to Salinas to sell the old cows to the butcher. After the men leave for Salinas, Jody goes into the kitchen to prepare or school. Jody then begins the mile long walk to school. On his way to school he picks up pieces of white quartz in the road.
Mansions and cars can never make a person truly happy, even if he believes it himself.
There are many challenges for people while they are growing up. In fact, these challenges are very common for most teenagers. However, many authors have written pieces with the intention to help students overcome their struggles. That is why a student who is struggling to find their inner self can trust several of the ideas of transcendentalism. In fact, Thoreau and Emerson include the ideas of optimism, intuition, and originality in many of their pieces of literature. It is clear that a teenager who is struggling developing their character should connect with the transcendent ideas from Thoreau and Emerson.
In the Disney movie, “Moana,” the main character demonstrates her personal strength as a woman capable of determining her own future. “Moana” breaks the typical Disney mold of a princess being associated with a prince as the main character. Moana realizes she has the sole power within herself to take the lead role to save her village by returning the Heart of Te Fiti. The Heart of Te Fiti is what gives the world and most importantly her people’s island life. When the Heart of Te Fiti was stolen by demi-god Maui the world fell to darkness and the island began to deteriorate. The pop culture aspect of female empowerment is exemplified in the scene where Moana is visited by her deceased grandmother, Gramma Tala, after a moment of self-doubt about being able to return the Heart of Te Fiti in order to save her people and island. In the scene Gramma Tala is deceased but visits Moana in the form of a vision. Moana envisions her people sailing the sea and her father upon one of the ships. Moana was struggling with finding her inner self and utilizes her visit from Gramma Tala, to acknowledge her self-power. In the movie Moana, the “I am Moana” scene exemplifies the current cultural theme of female empowerment being actualized when the main character, Moana realizes her own inner strength after understanding her cultural heritage, receiving inspiration from her grandmother, and embracing her role in building her future.
paint, I don't draw something realistic. When I am in front of my paper, I just
For assignment two, I have chosen the Disney movie Moana. Moana is a 3-D computer animated musical fantasy adventure film. The film music was composed by Mark Mancina, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Opetaia Foa’I. Moana was released in November of twenty sixteen, the movie takes place in Polynesia Islands of Motunui, Moana is chosen by the Ocean to return the heart of Te Fiti, but her father forbids her from going near the ocean. After Moana grows older, she sets out on her own to find Maui the shape shifting demi-God who stole the heart of Te, Fiti to help her sail across the ocean to return the heart and save her Island. The scene that I have chosen for this assignment is the scene where Moana. Sings the “who you are” song to Te
Many people have theories and philosophies about life in general. There have been hundreds of thousands of books published by many different people on the ideas of people in the past and the present. Transcendentalism falls in amongst all of these ideas. There have been articles, essays, poems, and even books written about this subject. Transcendentalism has effected many people since the philosophy was first introduced. The idea was complex and hard to grasp for many commoners and therefore it was understood by few people, and some would think that the idea was not understood at all and that was part of the idea. Henry David Thoreau once stated about himself, “I should have told them at
The inspiration young girls may gather from the movie poster is amplified by the text above Moana’s head. “Brave Like the Sea.” This text implies that Moana is as brave as the sea, something not often portrayed by other advertisements. “Brave” is a word often applied to males only, leaving females completely out of the narrative that they could ever exhibit this trait. However, this poster flips the switch and boldly states that a female is capable of being brave, and provides a strong example for the audience.