
Elizabeth Williams Arguments Against Abortion

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14,000 women each year get an abortion to terminate pregnancies from rape or incest. Abortion is the only way out for many young women and young girls and in places around the world many of them don’t even have that option. Not only is abortion an important option, it is also an important right, a woman’s right to her body. The side of pro-choice in the matter would keep those rights and options open to women.
In many cases of abortion, the woman involved has no choice but to get an abortion. For example, when a ten year old is raped, she has not chosen to have the sex nor was it her choice to get pregnant, if that ten year old is forced to have her rapist’s child against her will she may die. A ten year old’s reproductive system has not developed …show more content…

Many women have the intention of having children but sometimes their economic status or even themselves just aren’t ready to bear the burden of a child. Some politicians argue that the life of a fetus should always rule over whatever circumstances the mother is in but these circumstances could make the baby’s life worse than death. In the article The Choice to Abort Is Up to Women Mary Elizabeth Williams puts this point in words best,”And I would put the life of a mother over the life of a fetus every single time-even if I still need to acknowledge my conviction the the fetus is indeed a life. A life worth sacrificing.” Another solution politicians have to this problem is for mothers’ to put their children up for adoption or put them into foster care however, the chances of the child getting adopted is very slim and a life in foster care does not put a child in a good place. If every mother who wanted to get an abortion put their child in foster care then there would never be enough room or families to take care of the children, our government would have to spend mass amounts of money to keep all of these kids

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