
Embryonic Stem Cell Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

It has been I long time scenes we have spoking I Hope all is well. The other day I was reading this articles on stem cell research and embryonic stem cell research, Stem cell and embryonic stem cell research has all ready stared to help many people out like Katie Sharify in 2010 she had been in a car crash that damaged her spine, leaving her with no sensation from the chest down. Days after she learned that she would never walk again. So Her medical team provided a crash course in stem cell therapy to help Katie think things through. In this case the team had taken stem cells obtained from a five-day old embryo and converted them into cells that support communication between the brain and body. Those cells would be transplanted into the injured …show more content…

One of the non-supporting stakeholders are the Catholic church. Along with the catholic church Pope John Paul the 2 does not support this research because he believes that by" kill an embryonic it taking a life and that it should not be done from we do not get to choose who dies …... Embryonic stem cells are obtained from prenatal at a point very early in development. Obtaining these cells typically results in the destruction of the prenatal. The direct and voluntary killing of a prenatal is always a serious sin against God because prenatal life is developing human life." the catholic church says “Experience is already showing how a tragic coarsening of consciences accompanies the assault on innocent human life in the womb, leading to accommodation and acquiescence in the face of other related evils, such as euthanasia, infanticide, and most recently, proposals for the creation for research purposes of human embryos, destined to destruction in the process. A free and virtuous society, which America aspires to be, must reject practices that devalue and violate human life at any stage from conception until natural death." one of the people in the catholic church said this about their thoughts on this research” to humanity begins with respect for each human life. Because life is our first and most basic gift from an infinitely loving God, it deserves our utmost respect and protection. …show more content…

The American for cures believes in it because "stem cell research and therapy development; and, ultimately, to improve the lives of patients and their families suffering from chronic disease and injury. We highlight the breakthroughs in stem cell research and therapy developments" healthcare professional and the Community Representatives, some of the healthcare professional that believe in this research are the Local GP, Physiotherapist, allied healthcare professional, Doctor or scientist associated with a registered clinical trial and Doctor or scientist associated with a clinic selling unproven stem cell treatments outside of a clinical trial. They want the research to move forward because it "providing patients and their families with current and accurate information about the research and what this means for their health can be challenge – particularly in stem cell research were progress is being made quickly and where patients may be desperate for relief from pain or hoping for a cure to alleviate their suffering.". Community Representatives say that "Australia, the regulation of human stem cell research and, particularly, the regulation of human embryonic stem cell research, has been characterized by progressive review and public consultation. This process has created much debate and has resulted in Australia cautiously and incrementally

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