Understanding Substance Use in Emerging Adulthood: A Literature Review Emerging adulthood is defined as a development stage of life, starting approximately at age 18, or the end of high school, and spanning until 25, when adult roles are “officially” adopted (White et al., 2006). Emerging adulthood is a relatively new stage of development, which was developed by Jeffrey Arnett in 2000. Arnett explained that there are “gap years” where youths begin to identify new roles in life, which separate them from family, in order to create their own families. Furthermore, emerging adulthood was proposed to emphasize the transition between adolescent and adulthood because the transition is long enough to be considered a stage of development (Arnett, 2007). According to Arnett (2005) there are five main features of emerging adulthood: (1) Identity exploration, which is defined as the process in which individuals re-identify themselves as adults. For this to occur, individuals must gradually remove themselves from adolescent roles, family dependence, and previous social dynamics, and explore these aspects in the adult world. (2) Instability, in which emerging adulthood is considered to be the most “crucial” transition in life, resulting individuals to be the most vulnerable. This vulnerability is due to the suspension of friend and family support. Due to this suspension, individuals have a strong desire to attach themselves to new support that they perceive as foundational
The article "Betwixt and Bewildered: Scholars are Intrigued by the Angst of "Emerging Adults" by Lynn Smith discusses a societal trend towards young adults (18-25) who are struggling to achieve the traditional markers of adulthood. The article covers some of the scholarly debate of the subject, wherein some researchers accept the phenomenon, others reject it, and between them they find little in the way of clear definition of the problem and its ramifications.
As the mother of seven grown children, I agree with most of Jeffrey Arnett’s, author of Emerging Adulthood, theories. It is a time of change, with a developmental connection between adolescence and adulthood. During this phase of development, children experience periods of self-discovery transformation. There are favorable outcomes as well as adverse effects during this developmental stage. Furthermore, this successive stage encourages and promotes the change from the dependency of their parents to the independence that is distinctive for adults. This autonomy is beneficial because it prepares the emerging adult for their future independently from their parents. Arnett believes there are five characteristics of emerging adulthood that make it distinguishable from other time periods: the age of identity explorations, the age of instability, the self-focused age, the age of feeling in-between, and the age of possibilities.
In the magazine article "What Is It About 20-Somethings," Robin Marantz Henig discussed the stagnant transcendence of adolescents into adulthood with society and economy evolve to accomodate people's needs. Most make it into the realm of adulthood once they surpass these milestones: "completing school, leaving home, becoming financially independent, marrying and having a child". However, some linger in a new stage called the "emerging adulthood," where they spend more time than others to explore their identity and to develop "sense of possibilities". Causes for the delay include cultural expectation, dependence on parents, change in hierarchy of needs, and adolescent brain development. And as a result, society become uncertain whether to extend
Many older adults are pondering at the fact that many young adults are taking longer to become a fully independent adult. Young adults in today's time are still being supported by their parents and when push comes to shove, young adults rely on their parents to bail them out of a situation. In What Is It About 20-Somethings by Henig Robin Marantz, Henig addresses this ongoing situations that is affecting many young adults and informs us that this phase is referred to as “Emerging Adulthood” (Henig 200). “Emerging Adulthood” is defined as a stage of life where young adults gain insight to their own goals and aspirations in life. Although Henig only addresses “Emerging Adulthood” through Psychologist Arnett’s work, many young adults seem to be able to relate to the theory of “Emerging Adulthood.”
In his essay from The Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Arnett discusses various myths attributed to young adulthood while providing evidence to refute them. Three primary myths appearing throughout literature on emerging adults include a lower mental well-being, overall selfishness and a refusal to grow up. Several parallels exist between Arnett’s observations and my own experiences in emerging adulthood, providing further proof of the falsehood of such myths. Common myths claim emerging adults experience detriment in their overall well-being.
Emerging adulthood is a result of when a young adult is in a stage where he/ she is figuring out what to do from the late teens to the early twenties. During which young adults are exploring their lives and defining themselves. The pop culture is full of young people who don’t want to realize and accept the challenge as an adult. A life span full of obstacles and challenges from changing in between adolescence than to an actual adult.
Being an adult is the number one thing that children want to be: The desire to get older to do things that you want when you want and having no one say otherwise. However, what is an adult? An ambiguous term that really falls into the hands of the individual, where at Sixteen you can drive, eighteen you can vote, and twenty-one you can drink, for those in the USA, all varying ages that individuals could use as indications of adulthood. Robin Heinig wrote and article “What is it about 20- somethings?” where she discusses Arnett’s proposal about a new developmental stage, “Emerging Adulthood”. Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, an American professor in psychology, believes that we aren 't entering adulthood till the later portions of our twenties. For some, this may be true but for the general population including myself I find this hard to believe. Leo Hendry’s article, “How universal is emerging adulthood? An empirical example”, on emerging adulthood gives a deeper understanding to what this generation 's kids are going through. The late teens are a crucial part to the lives of a young adult. It 's the time that we spend trying to identify ourselves, escape the circumstance that we are put into at a younger age, or just had a better family income. Arnett is not wrong, but all other external factors need to be accounted for before we know, or even consider if emerging adulthood is a new developmental stage.
Adulthood is a generation when modifications appear in social connections and situations. These transformations do not appear in efficient, foreseeable stages but as an alternative resulting in different courses, depending on personality
Emerging adulthood is a period of development that coincides with college, around years 18-25 (Arnett, 2000). At this stage, young adults fully learn about themselves, their roles, and who they are.
Emerging Adults hood is the concept that between the ages18 years old to mid to late 20’s individuals go through what is essentially partially adolescence turning into an adult (Arnett, n.d). This stage is unique because an individual that is going through this stage is in search of becoming an adult. What’s significant about this stage is that due to the
Emerging adults have reached a step up from childhood but are not yet ready to fully take on adult responsibilities. This part of life is open to many new experiences which can be very good for the morality of this upcoming generation of adults. People find themselves changing majors in college or taking different classes to explore their interests and find out where they best belong in their future career field.
In emerging adulthood, many people experience the need to share their personal life with someone else. Erikson name for this crisis is intimacy versus isolation and emerging adults and many older adults know this feeling very well (Berger, 2014, p. 551). As emerging adults begin feeling the need for human connection, friendships and intimate relationships deepen for this reason (Berger, 2014, p. 551). As a senior in high school my friends became an extremely important part of my life, we told each other everything and the need for human connection was evident as I always wanted to be with my friends and share my personal life with them. I had, and currently have, the same 2 friends that I would confide in about boy problems, health
coming of age and moving into adulthood, and a study conducted by the Pew Research
Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem in society. There are many risk factors that can contribute to adolescent substance abuse. One of the main risk factors is peer pressure. When adolescents start at a young age there is an increase in health problems, addiction, and over all poor social outcomes. Parental influence has substantial effect on adolescents because the adolescent sees their parents and they learn by their example. Media plays a role in the use of drug and alcohol use among young people. Many school systems have implemented programs that teach adolescents about the problems of substance abuse that is funded
From adolescence to late adulthood, our lives change drastically. Our goals, achievements and conceptions of life differentiate as we mature. As we grow older, we no longer concern ourselves with self-identity or the opinions of others, but instead we focus on our accomplishments and evaluate our life (if we lived a meaningful life). From adolescence to late adulthood, we experience different developmental tasks at a particular place in our life span.