
Emerging Adulthood Research Paper

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During a lifetime, there are many changes that we go through to make us who we are, starting when you are a child. Growing up, there are things that may affect our cognitive development that may disrupt the learning and growing process. Adolescence and emerging adulthood represent core formative periods of the life span, in which young people face multiple challenges that are crucial for self and prosocial development (Crocetti et al.) It is very important that a child has the adequate amount of time to obtain the cognitive skills and social abilities that are required to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. If certain milestones are not met, it will affect them drastically and raise concern because the child is not developing at the correct …show more content…

According to the text, when role transition approaches marking adulthood, it is a movement marked by assumption of new responsibilities and duties. From a psychological perspective, becoming an adult means behaving in a fundamentally different way. Emerging adulthood is the period between late teens and mid to late twenties when individuals are not adolescents but are not yet fully adults. It also differs demographically and is associated with cultural and socioeconomical environment one lives in. At this time, people tend to explore new careers, understand their self-identity commitments and live life more on the edge (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016).
Rites of Passage
Becoming an adult depends on many cultural and psychological factors. In some cultures, the have rites of passage which is a ritual marking adulthood. For example, In the Latin culture, they have quinceanera’s, which is the fifteenth birthday party which involves a mass beforehand. Munsey wrote that “Jean S. Phinney, PhD, a psychology professor, said I think it can be harder for ethnic minorities who come from a culture where the expectations of what you should do are very strong (2006).” There are many different ways to enter adulthood, culture and religion play a big role.
Jeffrey Jensen …show more content…

He interviewed 300 people from different cities, cultures and economic prospects from ages 18 to 29 and asked them what they wanted out of life. Even though they were all different in some type of way shape or form, the all had similar answers. Which led him to the conclusion they all shared the perception of feeling “in between”. Arnett describes emerging adulthood as the end of adolescence to the young adults’ responsibilities which consist of a stable job, marriage and parenthood. (Munsey, 2006). Arnett proposed five features of emerging adults which are, Age of identity exploration, stability, self-focus, feeling “in between” and possibilities. As an emerging adult, the main focus at this stage is to disengage from the adolescence stage and begin to feel responsible for themselves without cutting off your family. At this time, they are exploring careers, self-identity and

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