
Emily Society

Good Essays

Undeniably, the townspeople help create an environment where Emily can not only isolate herself from the community, but is not held accountable for her actions. After her father’s death, Colonel Sartoris, a member of the Pre-Civil War generation, fabricates a story that Emily will not be held accountable for her taxes because her father had lent the town money. This falsehood was created in reflection of the attitude that “white southern women of class were not to be troubled by certain worldly obligations.” (Dilworth) This approach of protecting her from things, deemed unsuitable in deference to her gender and social status, creates a sense of unaccountability. This is further perpetrated with the complaints about the smell of decay coming …show more content…

In the “Binary Opposition, Chronology of Time and Female Identity” article, the authors explore how Miss Emily’s lifestyle presents the picture of an independent woman made to appear needy, by the old fashion views regarding women held within the community. (158) By committing this act in secrecy, and without Emily’s consent, the aldermen are striving to preserve the patriarchal structure of the community while undermining Emily’s ability to be independent. Even though these actions may have been committed with the intentions of protecting Emily, in reality the only purpose was to save face, while maintaining the tradition of genteel society that was changing in the Deep South, after the Civil War. However, the true point of interest while reflecting on “A Rose for Emily” is the relationship between the narrator and Miss Emily. The narrator’s recounting of Emily’s life has an almost obsessive quality, and readers are only presented with the perceptions of the …show more content…

Through the subjective perceptions of an obsessively, voyeuristic narrator he critiques their myopic and patriarchal traditions. These traditions attempt to render Miss Emily needy by stripping away her ability to be independent. Emily is a product of her environment, which hopes to conceal any indiscretions in order to present their view of a proper Southern woman. The misguided concessions of the townspeople, created in an effort to protect her, only end up dehumanizing her; while allowing her to get away with

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