
Emma Lazarus The New Colossus

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The Statue of Liberty was never built for immigrants. Initially, it was used to pay tribute to the United States of America and its newly founded democracy and friendship with France. Citizens did not think otherwise until Emma Lazarus first introduced the idea that it meant more. She communicated her opinions and emotions through a poem, “The New Colossus.” Although it was not instantly recognized, it eventually became the heart and soul of the New World. Consequently, it was so impactful and moving that it was written on a plaque at the base of the statue. Lazarus expresses the theme of welcoming immigrants to America with hope and freedom through the symbols of a torch and door. In “The New Colossus,” the Statue of Liberty portrays the hope and freedom the United States gives to immigrants. Inspired by “a wave of pogroms against Jews in Russia and…her regularly visits to poor immigrants” (Roberts 4-6), Lazarus wanted to write a piece that would convey America’s founding of greeting newcomers with open arms. One instance in which the message she is sharing can be seen is in specific lines of the poem. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” (Lazarus 10-11). The words “tired” and …show more content…

The torch represents a beacon of light and passion that shines brightly to attract settlers. “A mighty woman with a torch” (Lazarus 4). The words “mighty woman” describes the statue herself, as she is strong and independent, and offers that independence to others. Lazarus then uses a door to act as the goal America is leading immigrants to. “I lift my lamp besides the golden door!” Lazarus 14). Again, she expresses the idea of the lamp as a light that is guiding and welcoming people. The “golden door” is the Promised Land, the place that contains all the immigrants’ dreams and wishes. To cross that threshold, all anyone needs to do is step onto American

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