
Emotional Labor Case Study

Decent Essays

My research topic is going to be Emotional Labor. I looked through the proffered topics and this one stood out for several reasons. First, it intrigued me because I had never heard of it. Second, when I did look it up, it was such an interesting concept. Who could imagine there was a term for pasting a smile on your face when dealing with a difficult customer?
As I read our text and some online resources, delving into the topic a little more, I found it fascinating that there had been studies on what I originally considered a rather obscure subject. I found that it has been conjectured that emotional labor has been thought to lead to burnout (which I totally believe), and it can also contribute to emotional dissonance. (Miller 2015) In asking an employee to show feelings she or he does not have inside, it can have a “detrimental effect on some workers.” (Miller 2015)
I am going to research this through a few resources, i.e., our textbook doesn’t have a lot, but it references many case studies that have been done on this topic. I’ll check out Leidner, 1993; Shuler & Sypher, 2000; and Kruml & Geddes, 2000, to name a few. I plan on looking up those studies and reading them to find out what different professions seem to require more emotional labor. …show more content…

I found a book on the library website, “Emotional Labor and Crisis Response”, that discusses an interesting phenomenon, that emotional labor and gender based pay differences somehow can be connected on occasion. It said that care based work is primarily female dominated; emotional labor is centered around care based work; and women are typically paid less than men in this (and many other) industries. (Guy, Mastracci & Newman 2011) It’s not that they are cause and effect of each other, it’s just an observation. But it’s very interesting and I am sure to find plenty of information there as well as at my local

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