
Emotional Stress Of Moving For Children Essay

Decent Essays

Such as the process of moving has not changed, neither the emotional and mental stress associated changed either. The stress of moving is not only a demanding physical task, but also a mentally and emotionally one. Compounded with the physical demands, the emotional stress of a move can have detrimental effects on the relationships and further operational tasks that rely on

not only takes it toll an Adult but it can have long lasting effects on children as well. In 2008, 45% of all two parent families with dependent children moved within a 5 year period, of whom accounted for more than a quarter of all recent movers. 72% of those whose eldest child was under five years old were more likely to have moved than those whose eldest child was …show more content…

Coleman (1988,1990) and others have argued that the negative effects of moving for children may be due to the loss of social capital in the short-term after moving.
However, these families are shown are to being to settle down as the age of their children increased, this indicates that parents are well aware of this effect, however at times is unavoidable.

While representing only 4% of all recent movers, lone parents with dependent children were more likely than parents in couple families with dependent children to have moved in the last five years (59% compared with 45%). it’s these people who are most likely to have limited funds, and the parents when moving have the greatest amount of difficulty as both the logistics of the move and the costs fall back onto a single individual sondier that around one-fifth (21%) of lone parents who had recently moved cited the breakdown of their marriage or relationship as a reason for their move. The relatively high mobility rates of lone parents is also associated with the higher likelihood of being private renters (42%). this can be assumed that due to the uncertainty of their circumstances, a piravte rentals offer the most amount of

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