
Emotions In The Film 'Inside Out'

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“What is going inside my head?” “Why do I react a certain form?” It is all about different emotions who control who you are and what you do. The movie “Inside Out” by the directors Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen gives a better understanding of emotions. On this movie the main character is Riley an eleven year old young girl who enjoys playing hockey and spending time with her family. The five different emotions that control Riley on this movie are fear, anger, sadness, disgust and most importantly joy. These emotions are also the main characters on the movie. Furthermore, Riley’s parents also take an important role in the movie since many of her emotions were caused because of disagreements or other situations she had with them. Each emotion has a different job on Riley’s mind. The job for fear was to keep her safe. Fear also focuses on things that are going wrong such as problems. While disgust avoided Riley from getting physically and socially poison. Furthermore, the emotion of anger is in charge of making things fair. Finally joy is the emotion of being happy. Joy tries to cheer up Riley and keeps the other emotions under control in order to make Riley’s life go smooth. During the movie they also showed many memories Riley’s had while …show more content…

In my opinion this event was really interesting since I learn the emotions of a baby when they are born. When a baby is born their first feeling is joy but some seconds later they began to experience fear and that is when they began to cry. After this event they showed clips of when Riley’s toddler years. During this years she had different emotions depending the situation. For example when they tried to feed her broccoli she felt disgust. Then she felt anger when her father told her she wasn't going to get dessert if she did not eat it. After feeling anger she finally felt joy when her father began to feed her saying that the spoon was a

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