
Emperor Qin's Contributions And Achievements Of The Qin Dynasty In China

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Emperor Qin: 259 B.C.E - 210 B.C.E Emperor Qin formed the the Qin Dynasty and became the first emperor of an integrated China at 13 years old. He was known to be a brutal and harsh leader for his techniques to conquer the remaining regions of China to become a unified state. Emperor Qin’s many accomplishments start with the building of the Great Wall. He ordered scholars who followed Confucianism to switch to legalism and ordered them to build the wall to protect the northern borders of China from invaders like the Mongols. Siddhartha Gautama: 566 B.C.E - 486 B.C.E Siddhartha Gautama was a prince from a small Indian state who was born into riches and security but switched his ways of life upon encountering sickness and death. After leaving his family behind, he realized the meaning of life and began his quest of reaching enlightenment. Siddhartha was a significant person in history for the reason of formulating the religion of Buddhism and teaching what he has learned over the years to a small, growing community whose members came to see him as “Buddha” which means teacher. His teachings included the Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Path, and The Middle Way which spread and became one of the most common religions in Asia. Confucius: 551 B.C.E - 479 B.C.E Confucius was born into a aristocratic family in the state of Lu in northern China who over the years, believed he found the key to solving China’s problem of disorder. But with no opportunities offered to him, he wrote

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