
Employee Career Management Plan - Hrm 531 Essay

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InterClean, Incorporated

Career Management Plan For New Employees * Career Development Plan Part III – Performance and Career Management HRM 531/Week Four July 26, 2010

Abstract Management has been tasked to develop a performance and management program that will provide new employees with resources to advancement opportunities with InterClean. Not only will the development of the Career Management Plan (CMP) provide a sense of job-security, but a sense of achievement and employee loyalty. …show more content…

Opportunities for advancement As stated, there are many advancement opportunities for employees here at InterClean. Employees are encouraged to take advantage of the available advancement tools in place to assist employees with their career objectives. InterClean’s human resources department can provide detail information on education and promotion avenues increasing skills and knowledge for advancement. * Tuition Reimbursement will be provided to full-time employees who have been on payroll a minimum of one-year, and offering up to six credits per semester and a maximum of 18 credits a year. Certificate, Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s Degree programs will be reimbursed if they are business or job related. All courses, required and elective, which are related to an employee’s work that leads to a business-related or job-related degree will be reimbursed. The Company will determine, in its sole discretion, whether a degree program or course is business or job related (Elinfonet, 2010). Please see human resources (HR) for more details. * InterClean has adopted a policy to foster the advancement of its employees. This policy enhances the upward mobility of staff members, and complements the

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