
Employee Silence And Promoting Free Environment

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INTRODUCTION Employees in today’s society play a crucial role in the success of organizations. They possess critical abilities of exerting creativity, innovation and change. Yet these sources of success are not always applied, due to silence in the workplace. Breaking this employee silence and promoting free climate to encourage speaking up are obstacles managers face. The degree of communication and connection between managers and employees in organizations is vital when determining organizational outcomes. Detert and Burris (2016) has found that an organization has lower turnover rates and increased performance when employees expressed out their opinions, but in most cases they choose the passive position of staying silent. According to …show more content…

As claimed by Dyne, Ang and Botero, there are three specific forms of employee silence. Acquiescent silence This silence, represents those who restrict voicing out relevant ideas, information and opinions. They choose to become have no affiliation with a given situation thinking that it could be futile to change or also have low self- efficacy about personal abilities to change a situation. Acquiescent silence is more passive and involves disengaging behavior, Defensive Silence Defensive silence, is silence like of acquiescent silence, where employees withhold relevant ideas and information but is done intentionally as a form of self-protection from fear and other negative consequences. Pro Social Silence Pro-social silence is a form of silence, also associated with withholding ideas and information and opinions but with an objective of benefiting people and the organization they work for. It is a behavior that requires awareness and considerations of the alternatives and conscience decision to withhold ideas. Outcomes of Employee Silence Donaghey, Cullinane, Dundon and Wilkinson (1994) describes employee silence in organizations as those who withhold opinions about their work related matters, to the people who are capable of dealing with these situations. It usually takes place, when employees are concerned about the job, have suggestions for improvement or conflicting views with tasks. An organizations culture and

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