
What Are The Key Points In Your Current Employment History

Decent Essays

I've held many different positions in my past employment history, but I considered only two for this assignment. The jobs couldn't have been more different although I enjoyed them for the same reasons. I thoroughly loved working at McDonald's Restaurant in my late twenties and early thirties. The last twelve years I have worked for a radiologist in a private practice. I like helping people, and at this job I get a chance to do that in several ways on every patient. My job description includes checking patient information for accuracy which is necessary for keeping in contact with the patient for either results or billing. The second step in my job is to read the report on the patient after the diagnostic testing is done to determine the coding that will be used. The code will either be the problem that was discovered as the result of the test or the symptoms that brought the patient into the office for the test. Thirdly, I must then search for the best code to match either the results of the tests or the symptoms that were exhibited by the patient and code it out. These steps are important because what I do decides if the insurance company pays or denies the patient's claim. The accuracy of the coding is also something not to be taken lightly as the coding on the insurance claim becomes a permanent part of the patient's medical file which follows him/her for the rest of their lives. …show more content…

I then follow to step two which is reading a report and this step would be Sequence because I am reviewing something. The third step of my job is searching for a code and then coding it. The searching of the code is the Technical Reasoning part of the job and the actual coding would be also be in my opinion Technical Reasoning as well because to solve a problem you need all the parts to make a definitive

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