
Endocrine Disruptors Affecting Young Girls

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My mother always told me that BPA was a bad substance. She was a nurse who worked in the medical field for forty years, and was always scrutinizing medicines, vaccines, and chemicals. Every school year when I picked out a plastic water bottle, she had to check it to make sure it was BPA-free. Like with anti-depressants, my mother was afraid it would mess with my hormones, especially since I was just a developing girl. Puberty is a short way of saying a hormone cocktail. It makes who we are today. To jeopardize such a system at a young age would be detrimental. Endocrine disruptors can lead to an excess, or deficiency of a hormone. If this occurs during the development of the fetus, baby will not develop normally. Already, we can see the disruptors’ effects in fish. Certain populations are being feminized. In the future, this may be our own species. The biological gender balance would be thrown off, leaving men with eggs instead of sperm. Although this would stunt population growth, it will throw off …show more content…

Nine and ten years olds are going through puberty faster than my generation has, and are getting their period and breasts before they should. Taking a look at what freshman girls look like today, with the amount of care and products put into their makeup and hair, they look barely legal. The other issue is how obsessed our culture is with appearance. If these girls are physically maturing faster, and trying to act “older,” they’ll be looking into makeup. Already, there are many harmful things people have done to achieve a certain look, such as sucking into a cup to create Kylie Jenner lips. Lipsticks in the past contained mercury, or lead. These girls are exposed extremely early to the world of makeup and puberty, and it’s not okay when our society is saying that a look is better than someone’s health. Future generations are suffering from our lack of regulations and involvement in this

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