Results: We found 20 articles that matched our inclusion and exclusion criteria and 7 of them lake the clear description of the outcomes and method so we excluded them. The Clinical Indications for Pulp Regeneration: The pulp of teeth repeatedly undergoes irreversible disease caused by caries, trauma, congenital abnormalities, or as a complication of previous dental procedures (7). Endodontic therapy aims to an effective and specific treatment for the irreversibly diseased pulp, with preferable short- and long-term outcomes (7,8). However, endodontic prognosis studies have conclusively shown that the presence of pre-operative infection, generally determined by lack of response to vitality tests and the presence of a radiolucent periapical lesion, reduces the long-term outcomes of treatment by about 15-20%, compared with cases with vital pulp (8). While the prognosis of endodontic treatment in these cases remains favorable, the situation is more complicated incases with young immature teeth. Root canal instrumentation, disinfection, and sealing are more technically difficult to performing these cases (9-11). Perhaps more importantly, the tooth remains weak and is therefore susceptible to fracture due to functional stresses or minor trauma, an outcome that has been determined to range from 28-77%, depending on the degree of root maturation (13).This distinction is important, given that calcium hydroxide is rarely used long-term today, because of the availability of apexification techniques that rely on these of …show more content…
They maintain their self-renewal, and produce pulp-like tissue, bone-like tissue, odontoblast-like cells if transplanted in animal models, which indicates their important role in regenerative cell based therapy
If left untreated, pulp infection can lead to abscess, destruction of bone, and systemic infection (Cawson et al. 1982; USDHHS 2000). Various sources have concluded that water fluoridation has been an effective method for preventing dental decay (Newbrun 1989; Ripa 1993; Horowitz 1996; CDC 2001; Truman et al. 2002). Water fluoridation is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as one of the 10 great public health achievements in the United States, because of its role in reducing tooth decay in children and tooth loss in adults (CDC 1999). Each U.S. Surgeon General has endorsed water fluoridation over the decades it has been practiced, emphasizing that “[a] significant advantage of water fluoridation is that all residents of a community can enjoy its protective benefit…. A person’s income level or ability to receive dental care is not a barrier to receiving fluoridation’s health benefits” (Carmona 2004). As noted earlier, this report does not evaluate nor make judgments about the benefits, safety, or efficacy of artificial water fluoridation. That practice is reviewed only in terms of being a source of exposure to
If decay in primary teeth is not addressed in a timely fashion, not only will it affect the children’s ability to chew and speak but it can also have a significant impact on the permanent teeth as well. Once a tooth has a cavity in it, that bacteria will spread to the neighboring teeth. If bacteria migrates below the gingiva, an abscess could occur which will delay or prevent the permanent teeth from erupting. An abscess will cause a lot of pain to the children and the affected tooth can be
Root canal treatment usually fails when treatment falls short of usual standards. The causes of failure of initial endodontic therapy include intraradicular and extraradicular causes. Many of the teeth undergoing root canal treatment do not respond to initial therapy due to intraradicular causes i.e. procedural errors that prevent the control and prevention of intracanal endodontic infection. The procedural errors include poor access cavity design, untreated canals (both major and accessory), poor cleaning and obturation, complication of instrumentation (ledges, perforations or separated instruments), overextension of root filling materials and coronal leakage.5 Extraradicular causes of endodontic failures include periapical actinomycosis,
A Prisma diagram of the inclusion process for this review can be seen in Figure 3. The diagram shows that 3181 citations were found using Medline and Embase through OvidSP. Google Scholar produced 12 citations that were believed to possibly have relevant data and 4 citations were found in the references of other studies. These were included because, based on their titles and the information that was cited from them, it was believed that they could provide relevant outcome information. Through EndNotes and visual scanning, 570 duplicate citations were deleted leaving 2627 for title and abstract review. After the preliminary inclusion and exclusion criteria (found in the methods section) were applied to the studies, 2529 articles were excluded, leaving 98 to scan through the full-text. Based on a preliminary scan of the full article, 81 articles were excluded. 17 articles underwent a more thorough review during the data extraction process; 13 articles were excluded, leaving 4 articles with relevant information for this review.
My clinical experience in performing root canal procedures and the challenges it offers makes me determined for pursuing a Master’s degree in Endodontics. I plan to implement the application of advanced technology into practice through didactic and practical learning in a residency program. A course work of Community Health Research in Public Health has taught me the fundamentals of a scientific research study, which will help me in conducting contemporary research. An MS degree would help me to fulfill my aspiration of a career in academics as well as prepare me for a specialized practice. Through these years, I have been able to cherish success in healing pain by serving the community as well as understand my limitations as a dentist.
The use of pulpotomy is to maintain that necessary space for the permanent tooth to erupt correctly. Without the guidance, the child’s permanent teeth will result in orthodontic treatment. This entire procedure will maintain current occlusion and prevent loss of teeth prior to normal exfoliation, as well as preventing pain and infections.
Then, the dentist drills a hole in your tooth so the canal can be reached. Once that's done, the dentist uses small files to scrape the pulp tissue from the sides of the canal. The pulp and nerve are pulled out and the canal is rinsed. The dentist may go ahead and seal the canal on the same visit, or a temporary filling might be placed until the tooth is sealed on the next visit. Your dentist may decide to insert medication into the canal to fight any remains of the infection before the tooth is sealed. Once the canal is sealed, restoration work on your tooth can begin. You may need a filling or a crown to cover the cavity that lead to the infection. The root canal procedure only addresses the pulp infection. You'll need a separate treatment to repair the enamel of your
infection.(1–3) Students and clinicians need to understand that long-term clinical success of these teeth requires
Consequently, I was involved in the mechanical testing of bioceramic endodontic materials with regards to their physical properties and hydration behavior. Also, I am participating in an ongoing Micro-CT study to evaluate the quality of root filling using different filling techniques and sealers.
Beautiful straight smiles can help build confidence and better health. As a family practice, we love helping kids achieve the beautiful confident smiles they deserve to have. By survey, parents say that their kids are happier about themselves and smile more often once their teeth are straight. Having straight teeth also helps to avoid future complications with gum disease.
The first step is to remove the infected or inflamed pulpal tissues. Under local anaesthetic, an opening is made through the tooth to remove the infected or inflamed pulp. The root canals are then cleaned and shaped by endodontic files to a form that can be sealed. In between appointments, medicament is placed within the canals and the tooth is temporarily filled.
Apical periodontitis occurring after Root Canal Treatment presents a more complex etiologic & therapeutic situation than Primary Apical Periodontitis. There is a universal consensus that intra-radicular infection is an essential cause of primary as well as a major contributor of post treatment apical periodontitis. Enterococcus faecalis is the most commonly implicated microorganism in asymptomatic persistent infections1,2.
Within the last nineteen years the world has seen the growth of a new orthodontic treatment. Before this treatment aroused, the most common orthodontics was metal or traditional braces. These braces are still around and used for hard cases but most people prefer to wear a product called Invisalign. Traditional braces can correct crooked and crowded teeth, a misaligned bite, and jaw problems. They consist of metal brackets that are connected to the teeth with an adhesive and then connected by a wire. The adhesive is placed on the buccal side of the teeth and certain foods can cause the adhesive to disconnect the bracket from the tooth. Another concern with brackets being on the buccal side is if there is any contact of the cheek and
Meta Keywords: orthodontists right here in Las Vegas, Las Vegas orthodontist, orthodontic treatment in Las Vegas, orthodontic treatment options in Las Vegas
Whether you’ve recently made the decision to have your teeth straightened, or your dentist has recommended braces for your child, it’s helpful to understand, the mechanics of how braces work, as well as the problems they can correct and the variety of orthodontic appliances available today. And, keep in mind, there’s also a lot you can do to assure a successful outcome and beautiful smile.