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Baghdad’s Imports:
During the Middle Ages Baghdad was a hub for trade along the silk road. Of course it’s location had a big role in why this was, that being it was dead center in Mesopotamia. This got Baghdad a role to play in the trading of caravans, ultimately leaving it as one of the most influential traders of the time. This led in them getting a large variety of goods that were imported. These goods being: diamonds, soap, ivory, camel skins, honey, and many more.

Baghdad’s Exported: Baghdad’s exports were largely centered around its imports. Baghdad would often re-export goods that had got to them to somewhere else (with use of the Silk Road), but it also had its own products. Some of these products include but are not limited to: silk, glass, textiles, and paper. Because of this wide variety and exclusivity because of location, Baghdad was a city of trading and caravans.

Baghdad’s Geographical Thingos: Baghdad was located close to both the Tigris river and the Persian Gulf (And also the Euphrates river), which allowed for easy irrigation and cultivation of its crops. This factored in with its location in Mesopotamia, of the fertile crescent meant Baghdad would have no issues when it came to crops and amount of water nearby. This water also helped establish Baghdad’s role as a trader, because there were many canals leading into the city where trading could be done. In conclusion, the geography helped establish Baghdad as the biggest trading empire during the Middle Ages, a role it would keep for many years.

Baggyhdad’s History: Baghdad was “established” in 762 by al-Mansur and was founded as a new capital for the Abbasids empire. Al-Mansur deemed it Madinat al-Salem, but this did not catch on so it’s previous name stuck. This is important because al-Mansur did not really “establish” Baghdad, but rather, claimed it. Al-Mansur molded Baghdad into a round city with four gates with a mosque at the center. It was also divided into rings, with each ring being a sort of district. The first ring, closest to the walls/gates was the residential district. The second ring contained a ring of mosques with a giant palace/mosque in the center which was bigger and grander than all the others mosques.

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