Enron was a corporation located in Houston, Texas and in just fifteen years the US energy trading and utilities company grew to become one of America’s largest and more successful cooperation’s. Enron suffered a major fall. After being one of the most successful corporations Enron became the biggest company to file bankruptcy in history. In this research paper it will discuss about the history of Enron, the fraud committed and who is to blame. The historical development of white collar crime in the Enron Corporation was committed for financial gain. The Enron scandal is an example of a continuing trend of falsifying data in the history of white collar crime.
Falsifying data has been a problem that has been happening for a long
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Enron became the largest seller of natural gas in America. In August 2000 Enron stocks reach almost $91 a share. As reported by Li, its annual revenues rose from about $9 billion in 1995 to over $100 billion in 2000 (2010, p.37). It has been more than a decade ago since the Enron scandal in Houston, TX. Enron was also known for one of the largest fraud scandals in American history. After so many years of power and successful deals and contracts, the company suffered a collapse and the company suffered rapidly. Both Lay and Skilling were headquartered in and also head in the entire fraud, scam and scandal of the Enron Corporation was best known for.
Even though records show executives of the company made hundreds of millions of dollars and was going in the right track the successful corporation collapsed, and cost investors as much as seventy billion dollars its shares trading for about $90 each. Furthermore, Lay was convincing his employees to hold on to their stocks and purchase even more. Meanwhile, executives were selling their stocks. Enron executives learned that they faced a major problem for hiding and allowing inflating, the offshore and loose of the company to happen.
Enron executives also attempted to hide the debt with the help of the US Security and Exchange Commission but were unsuccessful. Enron’s investors had no idea of the fraudulent activities occurring in their
Enron had the largest bankruptcy in America’s history and it happened in less than a year because of scandals and manipulation Enron displayed with California’s energy supply. A few years ago, Enron was the world’s 7th largest corporation, valued at 70 billion dollars. At that time, Enron’s business model was full of energy and power. Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling had raised Enron to stand on a culture of greed, lies, and fraud, coupled with an unregulated accounting system, which caused Enron to go down. Lies were being told by top management to the government, its employees and investors. There was a rise in Enron 's share price because of pyramid scheme; their strategy consisted of claiming so much money to easily get away with their tricky ways. They deceived their investors so they could keep investing their money in the company.
Enron was one of the largest corporations in the United States. Enron was reporting revenues of over $100 billion, and its stock was being sold for $80 a share (Goethals, Sorenson, & Burns, 2004). However, it was using shady and unethical business practices, such as listing inflating its revenue and hiding debts in special purpose entities. Eventually, their faulty accounting caught up with them, and their market share plummeted. This was credited as one of the worst auditing failures.
The fall of the colossal entity called Enron has forever changed the level of trust that the American public holds for large corporations. The wake of devastation caused by this and other recent corporate financial scandals has brought about a web of new reforms and regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which was signed into law on July 30th, 2002. We are forced to ask ourselves if it will happen again. This essay will examine the collapse of Enron and detail the main causes behind this embarrassing stain of American history.
By August 2001, the financial statement fraud became obvious and by October Enron management announced that the company was worth $1.2 billion less than what was previously recorded. The difference was due to inflated estimates of income and failure to include all the debt in the financial reports that were sent out to investors. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) started investigating Enron. By November 2001 Enron admitted to overstating its past four year earnings by $586 million and admitted to owing over $6 billion in debt. After this admission the price of Enron stock dropped incredibly. Investors and creditors requested immediate repayments from Enron. However, since Enron could not come up with any cash to repay its creditors, it filed for bankruptcy in December of 2001. Thousands of Enron employees and investors lost their savings, their children’s college funds and pension when Enron collapsed due to financial statement misrepresentation by its management. A lawsuit on behalf of a group of Enron’s shareholders was filed against Enron’s executives and directors whereby 29 of them were accused of insider trading and misleading the public.
Enron was a publicly traded energy company formed in 1985 by Kenneth Lay when Internorth acquired Houston Natural Gas; the company, based in Houston Texas, Enron (originally entitled “EnterOn”, but was later subjected to abbreviation), worked specifically in power, natural gas, and paper and even ventured into various non-energy-based fields as they expanded, including: Internet bandwidth, risk management, and weather derivatives. Several years after the founding of the company, Enron hired a man by the name of Jeffrey Skilling, a former chemical and energy consultant, who, upon promotion, created a team of high-level administrative employees who, by using special purpose entities, lackluster reporting of finances, and unethical accounting practices, hid billions of dollars of debt from unsuccessful arrangements and ventures from stock holders and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Enron executives achieved this scheme by using a controversial accounting method entitled “mark-to-market accounting,” which in essence, assigns value to financial commodities based on their projected market values; mark-to-market accounting is the opposite of cost-based accounting which records the price of a commodity at the purchase price. As a result of this new method, Enron’s worth skyrocketed to over $70 billion at one time, only to collapse miserably several years later—ultimately costing thousands upon thousands of people their jobs, pensions, and retirements. Enron’s employees
It was 13 years ago that the announcement of bankruptcy by Enron Corporation, an American energy, commodities and service firm at the time, would unravel a scandal resulting in what is regarded as the most multifaceted white-collar crime FBI investigation conducted in history. High-ranking officials at the Houston-based company swindled investors and managed to further their own wealth through intricate, shifty accounting practices such as listing assets above their true value to increase cash inflows and earnings statements. This had the effect of making the company and its shares look more enticing than they really were to potential investors. Upon their declaration of negative net worth in December 2001, shareholders filed a $40 billion lawsuit against the company, citing a drop of shares from around $90 per share to around $1 per share within only a few months. In light of these events, officials at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SCE) were prompted to initiate further investigation to figure out how such a drastic loss occurred.
The Enron corporation was an amalgamation of Houston Natural Gas and Internorth two of the largest natural gas suppliers in the United States. It was built upon the company 's ability to convince congress to deregulate the sale of natural gas through supplying electrical pieces at market prices. This allowed Enron to begin to sell power at higher prices therefore driving their revenue up. The company also began to spread its grasp out of natural gas and into a myriad of other power sources across the globe including water, pulp and paper plants. This was all done through a massive series of loopholes and massive amounts of money being funneled into Congress to lobby against regulations of such activities.
Instead, it was such massively deceptive accounting alteration that it raised questions about the proper definition and scope of the white-collar crime. While only a few major employees and members of the company were involved in this fraudulent activity, yet it affected the life of several hundred thousand Americans. As the investigation report about Enron was publically released, the AAA+ credit rated company collapsed instantly making hundreds and thousands homeless and jobless. This had a serious impact on the stability of the stock exchange as well. The collapse of the company was not only composed of the financial stability of the company bit as they have also destroyed their reputation at the global
Enron Corporation began as a small natural gas distributor and, over the course of 15 years, grew to become the seventh largest company in the United States. Soon after the federal deregulation of natural gas pipelines in 1985, Enron was born by the merging of Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, a Nebraska pipeline company. Initially, Enron was merely involved in the distribution of gas, but it later became a market maker in facilitating the buying and selling of futures of natural gas, electricity, broadband, and other products. However, Enron’s continuous growth eventually came to an end as a complicated financial statement, fraud, and multiple scandals sent Enron through a downward spiral to bankruptcy.
Enron was a company that was ranked as seventh out of the five hundred leading companies in the United States and is the largest U.S. energy company that went bankrupt leaving debts amounting to nearly U.S. $ 31.2 billion. In instance with the case of Enron known occurrence of moral threat behavior such as manipulation of financial statements with a record 600 million dollar profit when the company
The company Enron was formed in 1985 after two natural gas companies, Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth merged together. Kenneth Lay, former chief executive officer of Houston Natural Gas was named CEO of Enron and a year later, Lay was assigned to the chairman of Enron. A few years later, Enron launched a website to allow customers to buy stock for Enron, making it the largest business site in the world. The growth of Enron was rapid; it was even named seventh largest company on the Fortune 500 list; however things began to fall apart in 2001. (News, 2006). In the third quarter of that same year, Enron posted an enormous loss of over $600 million in four years. This is one of the reasons why one of the top executive resigned even though he had only after six months on the job. Their stock prices fell dramatically. Eventually, Enron filed for bankruptcy protection. This caused many investors to lose money they had invested in the company and employees to lose their jobs and their investments, including their retirement funds. The filing of bankruptcy and the resignation of one of the top executives, also led to an investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Committee, which proved to be one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history. (News, 2006). All former senior executives stood trial for their illegal practices.
Enron Corporation was an energy company founded in Omaha, Nebraska. The corporation chose Houston, Texas to home its headquarters and staffed about 20,000 people. It was one of the largest natural gas and electricity providers in the United States, and even the world. In the 1990’s, Enron was widely considered a highly innovative, financially booming company, with shares trading at about $90 at their highest points. Little did the public know, the success of the company was a gigantic lie, and possibly the largest example of white-collar crime in the history of business.
Ethics in the business world can often times become a second priority behind the gaining of profits and success as a company. This is the controversial issue that led to the Enron scandal and ultimately the fall of this company. Enron Corporation was an energy company, and in the peaks of their success, they were the top supplier of natural gas and electricity throughout America. Enron Corporation came about from a merger between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth. Houston Natural Gas was a gas providing company formed in Houston during the 1920’s. InterNorth was a company formed in Nebraska during the 1930’s and owned one of America’s largest pipeline networks. In 1985, Sam Segnar, the CEO of InterNorth bought out Houston Natural Gas for $2.4 billion. A year later in 1986, Segnar retired and was replaced by Kenneth Lay, who renamed the company and created Enron. Enron was the owner of the second largest pipeline in America that measured over 36,000 miles. The company was also the creator of the “Gas Bank”, which was a new way to trade and market natural gas and served as an intermediary between buyers and sellers. As the company continued to develop, it became more of a trader rather than a producer of gas. This trading extended into coal, steel, water and many other areas. One of Enron’s largest successes was their creation of a website called, “Enron Online” in 1999, which quickly became one of the top trading cites in the world. By the year 2000 Enron as a company was
Most of the world has heard of Enron, the American, mega-energy company that “cooked their books” ( ) and cost their investors billions of dollars in lost earnings and retirement funds. While much of the controversy surrounding the Enron scandal focused on the losses of investors, unethical practices of executives and questionable accounting tactics, there were many others within close proximity to the turmoil. It begs the question- who was really at fault and what has been done to prevent it from happening again?
Enron lead the American energy, commodities, Enron Services was based in Houston, TX. During the turn of the 21st century Enron had an employee base of 20,000 people on payroll. Enron made profits by selling electricity, natural gas, communications, and pulp and paper. Enron’s revenues totaled over $101 billion in 2000. Due to Enron’s earning Fortune named Enron as the America Most Innovative Company. Enron was one of the biggest publicly traded companies and highly trusted by all investors. Enron earnings flourished during the start-up of the computer dotcom era in the 1990s. In November 1999, Enron build and launched EnronOnline site. This was the first ever web-based transaction system allowing buyers and sellers to buy, sell, and trade commodity products around the world. Enron peaked; $6 billion worth of commodities transacted through their EnronOnline website daily. EnronOnline allowed for Enron stocks to transact with participants in world energy markets. On their financial books Enron looked as they were doing extremely well and many investors sought out to buy Enron’s stocks. Enron net worth was about $70 billion, their shares traded for about $90 dollars each. Enron was known on Wall Street as a blue chip stock and was considered to be very stable and trustworthy. Enron was named the fifth largest company by Fortune 500. Enron lead the market in energy production, distribution, and trading.