
Epidermoid Cyst Research Paper

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1. Epidermoid cyst. Epidermoid cysts are the third most common benign subcutaneous tumor. They result from the proliferation of epidermal cells within a circumscribed space of the dermis. The epidermal inclusion cysts are usually well circumscribed, have a smooth surface, and are mobile.
The cysts may become inflamed or infected, resulting in swelling and tenderness. The only definitive management of epidermal inclusion cysts is to have complete surgical excision and remove the entire capsule. These cysts usually require closure with suture due to the size and scarring is common. 2. Lipoma. A lipoma is a growth of fat cells in a thin, fibrous capsule usually found just below the skin. They are found most often on the torso, neck, upper thighs, …show more content…

Furuncle. Furuncles are also called boils. These lesions are staphylococcal infections of sebaceous glands. A patient with a furuncle will present with pain, redness, and swelling at the affected site. In some cases, the site may ooze pus and the lesions can be various sizes. Furuncles are commonly seen in groin and axillae region and tend to be very tender to palpation. These lesions will usually build with pressure and lead to the furuncle to burst and the pus will then drain. Some boils may require a I&D and packing if they are large and infected. Furuncles are usually noted on patients that have a compromised immune system or a medical condition that slows down the healing process of wounds. Complications of a furuncle are sepsis and MRSA. Antibiotic therapy may need to be prescribed it an infection is noted.

Plan (Labs, diagnostic studies, and follow-up plan. Students should also document if they agree or disagree with the treatment plans based upon the clinical information and documented evidence based guidelines.)

This patient presented with a mass that has been progressively growing in size over the last year. After evaluating the patient, the provider felt that she most likely has a epidermoid cyst. Due to the location of the mass and the size she felt the patient needed a referral to general surgery for removal. The patient would need an ultrasound to help confirm the diagnose and rule out spinal cord involvement. The patient was started on Bactrim DS 800mg/160mg po BID for 10 days for infection. This antibiotic would cover for MRSA. I agree with the decision to refer this

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