
Epilepsy And Cerebral Palsy And Its Effects On The Family

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There are many neurological disorders that can occur in development and each disorder can have major effect on the individual life as well as the family. Two that came to mind and are very common are epilepsy and cerebral palsy. Epilepsy and cerebral palsy can have effects on the individual’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual development.
With my medical training over the years I have seen people with epilepsy and how it affects them and people around them. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder dealing with the central nervous system involving seizures. People can be born with epilepsy disorder or it can develop later due to a brain injury (Limmer, 2009, p.459). When a seizure occurs it because of excessive abnormal electrical impulses by the brain neurons that causes a shift in the central nervous system (Christensen, 2011, p.1046). For …show more content…

Children with epilepsy in some cases have a hard time with math and reading that deals with understanding and reasoning which goes into having lower cognitive functioning. (Soria, 2012, p.216). When a child is in school he or she may receive additional services for academic help just like other students that may have a disability to help them succeed in school. This affect the social part of life by feeling different. For behavioral problem children are more hyperactive with epilepsy than other children. (Soria, 2012, p.216). These problems can also have a toll on the family. The diagnosis of epilepsy is not an easy diagnosis for the family and it can increase parental anxiety and

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