
Epistemic Reasoning In Blaise Collins The Wager

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The undermining of pascal’s wager by the fine-tuning data

In the year 1654 at age 31, Blaise Pascal, the renowned mathematician physicist had religious experience that caused him to reorient his life towards writing a defense for the Christian faith. One of his most famous works was on the subject is “The Wager”, which argues, through cost-benefit Analysis, that individuals should take steps to believe in God. This entire argument hinges on the premise that epistemic reasoning is incapable of proving, with any real certainty, the existence of God; therefore, individuals must base their decision to believe, or not believe, on prudential reasoning. Beginning at the end of the twentieth century and continuing to the present day, scientist and …show more content…

However, The premise that epistemic reasoning is incapable of educating our decision in believing in God is a bold claim, on that is disproved by the “Fine-Tuning Data” argument of Collins. Collins’ argument sats that the precise balance of the structural settings of the universe that need to be given in order to permit life, in any form, is more probable given the Theistic Hypothesis that God (God being an ethereal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipresent mind, not necessarily the traditional God of Christianity that Pascal is talking about) caused the fine-tuning than the Atheistic Hypothesis that the universe and its fine-tuning are simply brute facts. The Principle of Confirmation therefore lends the “Fine-Tuning Data” as evidence for the Theistic Hypothesis over the Atheistic Hypothesis. The objection that there are possible tuning values outside the illuminated range that could be conducive to life falls flat do to the Principle of Indifference (also called the Principle of Insufficient Reason), which says that since we do not know how the non-illuminated range can come about, then the “Fine-Tuning Data” is still equally improbable inside the illuminated range. The Atheistic Many-Universe objection also comes up short because: there is no evidence that other universes than ours exist: without a nonrepeating function to the Universe Generator, the probability of achieving the “Fine-Tuned Data” does not increase, let alone approach one, like the objection intends; and even if there were a Universe Generator cranking out universes with a nonrepeating function, that is still more

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