
Equal Rights for Men and Women?

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Equal Rights for Men and Women?

Do you believe women should have the same rights as men? - Anthony Schifano (California, USA)

Lama: I do believe that women should have the same rights as men because they make up half the society. Sure, I do believe that women should be treated equally and have same rights as men because the only difference between women and men is their sex and biological structure.

Saher: Of course; women and men are equal. Both genders are human beings who live their lives, and they should live them equally. I think that nothing should prevent women from doing the same things that men do. Men can work in any field, and women can too. That is my opinion--that men and women should feel equal and should be …show more content…

Also, some scientist said that women are smarter than men. For me, I think that it is better to elect a man to be the president because women have more emotion in these things.

Atallah: Yes, I believe that women should have the same rights as men, even though this doesn't exist in my country. The men have the right to do everything, and the women are supposed to follow and obey the man in whatever he says--whether he is wrong or right.

Saja: I believe that women should have the same rights as men. Women can accomplish many important achievements that help the community to become better. A woman can work, study, teach, and have a role in building our country, Palestine. She can be the same as a man, or maybe better. So, a woman should have the same rights as a man because she is a human being who can give ideas, work hard and help our country to be better.

Ahmad: Sure, women should have the same rights as men. Women are humans like men, and they are a part of society. They must have the same rights as men, such as working at jobs and moving through the cities without fear. I disagree with those who say that men are better and must be treated differently.

Nihad: God brought us to this planet as men and women. There is no difference between the two. Women are people like men, and they are living on the same planet, so women should have the same rights as men. Maybe God is a woman; no one knows. In my

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