
Erik Von Willebrand Research Paper

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Von Willebrand Disorder, abbreviated as VWD, is the most common inherited bleeding disorder. Erik von Willebrand, a Finnish scientist, first discovered it in the 1920s. Carried on the twelfth chromosome, von Willebrand causes excessive bleeding (National Hemophilia). Patients with VWD form blood clots slower, resulting in prolonged bleeding. As a lifelong condition without a cure, it can come with serious health hazards. Roughly one percent of the U.S. population, or one out of one hundred to a thousand people, have this ailment. However, other bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia, occur mainly in males, VWD affects both men and women equally. Despite who it affects, the cause behind this disorder lays on the shoulders of one specific gene, …show more content…

The severity of symptoms does not depend on the type of VWD a patient has; although, the intensity of signs does vary from person to person (Introduction). The most common sign of this disease, excessive or abnormal bleeding, is often overlooked as a symptom. Abnormal bleeding consists of: blood in urine or stool, bleeding from shaving with a razor or a comparable injury, frequent and lengthy nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums, increased menstrual flow, and excessive bleeding from a cut or following a tooth extraction or other dental procedures. Severe enough bleeding can threaten a patient’s life if doctors can control the blood loss. Though rare, internal organs and joint damage can occur from serious bleeding (Facts about). Some patients may not realize their condition until experiencing excessive bleeding after a surgical procedure or serious trauma. Another sign, frequent and easy bruising, can come from minor bumps or injuries. These bruises may develop small lumps under the skin. More severe symptoms include spontaneous bleeding in both soft tissue and joints. Signs in women and men

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