
Erikson’S Theory Of Psychosocial Development Was The First

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Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development was the first theory that demonstrated the development from “womb-to-tomb.” His theory posited three tenets, the first that each era in life had a developmental crisis, and that at each period there was the opportunity for growth and development. Each developmental stage poses a developmental crisis that is central to that age, and as stated in Erikson’s second tenet, if there is an interruption in the development of one of the stages, the stages following will be effected. Though each developmental stage has one fundamental stage that is being worked on, Erikson’s third tenet states that the challenges of all of the other stages are still present; although there is one crisis that is …show more content…

My resolution of this stage was below average, meaning that I am more reliant on others around me than the majority of people my age. This is shown when I do things on my own and seek the reassurance of others to make sure that I did it correctly. After the development of autonomy vs. shame and doubt, the child moves on to the development of initiative vs. guilt. From ages three to six, the child is building on their development of independence, and begin to develop the ability to start things on their own. This is often the age in which kids begin to want to do things for themselves. At this age, it is important that the kids are encouraged to initiate, plan, devise, and do things for themselves. If a child does not have an adequate development of initiative, they will be afraid to try new things, which, similar to all other developmental stages, will effect the individual later in life. I ranked below average in this category for people my age, showing that I lean more towards guilt than I do towards initiative. This is shown through my seeking out of others when it comes to trying something new; rather than wanting to try something new on my own, I usually seek the comfort of having others with me. Following this stage, the age of five up until about 12 years of age, the child begins the development of industry vs. inferiority. Industry refers to the competence of a child in things that a particular culture values; these competencies can

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