
Erma Bombeck Definition Of Success

Decent Essays

Are you successful? Have you ever thought about what success really means, or just taken celebrities word for it? The truth is, there’s not just one way or definition of success, like Dale Carnegie says, “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” As well as the quote, “Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other.” – Erma Bombeck. The idea is, that fame and success are two different things and success is a choice and an attitude.
The quote “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” by Dale Carnegie talks about the attitude of a successful person. This is important because If you have the attitude that you are going to work hard and be content and happy with what you get, then you will be successful. I say this because the definition of success is not set in stone. Success is different for everyone. Success is not given by anyone else than yourself. Having lots of money does not mean you are successful. Just because you are liked by lots of people does not make you successful. You have to work hard and appreciate what you get and you will be happy. It doesn't mean that it is bad to …show more content…

Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other.” – Erma Bombeck talks about what we believe success is. Does it mean to be liked by everyone? No. Does it mean to have lots of money? No. That is fame. The difference between fame and success is that Depending on someone's background they can be famous the minute they're born, success is different though. You have to work hard to be successful. If you are successful if means not just doing whatever will get you the most profit or likes, It means doing what you love, whether it gets you a profit or not. But, you can be successful and famous. If you love singing and become famous for doing what you love, that is fame and success, but they had to be successful on their own before they could be famous for what they

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