
Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises

Decent Essays

Through fiction writing, authors are capable of revealing truths that are not blatant in reality. A controversial writer, sparks thoughts in reader’s minds and has an influence on their lives. Ernest Hemingway tried to relate with his readers on a level of reality by using a unique writing style and reflecting on life changing events that occurred in his life. Hemingway was able to reach people and change their behavior through his writing, so, would that reaction be the same if Ernest Hemingway’s works were released in two thousand and fifteen? Ernest Hemingway was one of America’s most celebrated and most controversial authors. His work and personal life were almost inseparable. Earl Rovit remarked, “More often than not, Hemingway’s fictions …show more content…

Hemingway’s first important work was The Sun Also Rises, it is about a young, promiscuous girl, Brett Ashley. Ashley has bobbed hair, and has had many love affairs. Showing a tone of hopeless love and hope for the “lost generation”, this book was an encouragement and influential novel. When the book was released, American adolescents responded. Young women cut their hair and changed clothing, imitated the tone of hopeless love, and young men thought of themselves as the aftermath of the war, but found hope (Ernest Hemingway, 1989, 95). If The Sun Also Rises were released now, what would the reaction be? Promiscuity? More than likely, no. Girls and guys alike are very promiscuous today. It’s not uncommon for someone to hook up casually with someone or have a friend with benefits. Today, people would not be shocked by the promiscuity in The Sun Also Rises. Would young women bob their hair? Look at any modern magazine and you see actresses and supermodels with bobbed hair. The influence of the book most likely would not increase the rate of girls deciding to bob their hair. What makes the reaction so different? Why would it have such an influence on a generation eighty years ago and not have a similar impact today? Today, morals are very different than they were in the

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